Weekly Round-Up #168: How Shoppers Shop, Secure Your Facebook Account And Wine Is Good For You (Yeay!)
In this week’s round-up we take a look at how your products (or websites) colours can make a difference to your sales, how to secure your Facebook account in the wake of this week’s disturbing news and the fact that wine (in moderation) can have some great health benefits.

In this week’s round-up we take a look at how your products (or websites) colours can make a difference to your sales, how to secure your Facebook account in the wake of this week’s disturbing news and the fact that wine (in moderation) can have some great health benefits.
Shoppers Psychology – Online And Offline (2018) Infographic – 16Best.net
If you’re running a business – whether that’s selling a physical project or something digital online it’s important to understand your target audience. This can be quite daunting (and not to mention expensive or, in Facebook/Cambridge Analytic’s case, unethical – more later) so to save you the worry, take a look at this great guide from 16Best.net that explains the concious and unconcious buying process, and how things as basic as a colour could be affecting your sales.
The Lifespan Of 20 Essential Household Items – Simply Self Storage
Okay, I’ll hold my hand up and say that I am a bit of a hoarder. But I do also look after my possessions so I was a bit surprised about the life spans of some items on this list, our carpet is 30 years old and looks as good as the day it was laid (thanks to a regular cleaning schedule) but our windows only lasted 10 years from new! What are you surprised at? Let me know in the comments.
The Impact Of A Glass Of Wine A Day On Your Health – Mile High Wine Tours
I’ll hold the other hand up here and say “I love my wine!” I am a little bit of a wine snob and always try to pair the right wine with the right dish but to find out it’s good for your health is a real bonus! Whilst you might be sceptical as the article is produced by a Wine Tours Company but there is plenty of evidence out there that agrees (sort of) See Everyday Health, Health.com, Mail Online which weigh up the pros and cons for you.
Now, someone pass me a nice glass of Claret, Please!
Running Remote Conference 2018 – Build And Scale Your Remote Team – Running Remote Conference
The guys at the Running Remote 2018 got in touch as they thought my wonderful readers would benefit from their conference. The conference is aimed at anyone running a remote team (or thinking of starting one) – having worked with remote teams I know that it can be quite difficult to manage them in a timely manner thanks to time and language difference but this conference is there to teach you tactics to effectively manage your remote teams. Plus it’s being held in Bali so I’m sure you can persuade your accountant it’s an acceptable business expense – and if you book before the 31st March you can get a great discount too.
8 Ways Different Cultures Deal With Cash – Budget Direct
This article surprised me in many ways – I would have though that Germany would be on the forefront of contactless and tech-based payment systems with it being a European financial powerhouse but apparently they prefer to use cash! Here in the U.K I would say the contactless forms of payment (cards and Apple/Android payments) are overtaking smaller value cash purchases, I very rarely leave the house with money now – how about you? Comment below.
How To Apply The Scrum Framework To Personal Projects – Zapier
If you hear the phrase “Scrum Framework” you’ll probably think about a fairly large software team in a cubicle farm all working on some really exciting (ahem!) banking software but you can use it successfully to run your own personal projects. Zapier covers all the basics you need – and it’s a great start if you’re looking to implement it for larger projects too.
The Email Parser Guide: How To Automatically Copy Data From Your Emails – Zapier
Sticking with Zapier, this tip is a great one if you need to get data from emails that are in a standard(ish) format into another system. This would be great for grabbing order information from an email, copying attachments to Dropbox or Drive – the possibilities are almost endless
Prevailing Over Procrastination – Harvard SEAS
I’m going to say that you’re not really procrastinating over work while you’re reading this, are you? There is a reason this goes out on a Friday you know! No, you are in fact teaching yourself important lessons on how not to procrastinate – and you know this resource must be good if it’s been developed by a Harvard student and is featured on their website!
Why You’re Bad At Managing Your Time – The Muse
How much time do you spend worrying about how much time you have to do something? This is the argument in this article – we spend too much time focusing on the how long do I have and not enough time on the doing part. Don’t believe me? Take a read – I’m sure you’ll recognise some of your behaviours!
6 Tips To Ace Time Management And Achieve Your Goals – YourStory
Now you’ve figured that you have a time management problem, here are 6 tips on how to put that time to good use and get your goals achieved so you can do some fun stuff with your free time.
Facebook Privacy Help
In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica/Facebook data privacy issues that have cropped up over the past week, I’ve taken a look at my account to make sure that only authorised Apps can access my account and checked what data they have requested. It’s also important to check what sort of information you’re sharing – that harmless quiz could in fact be leading to not only your data but that of your friends (and their friends, and their friends) being accessed.
Whilst Facebook has clamped down quite a lot on these practices, it can be really confusing choosing the correct privacy settings – and Apps that you have already authorised may not have their permissions changed.
With that in mind, here are a few websites that will help you take a look at what apps you have authorised, the data that apps have access to and some general tips to keep your account safe from data and identity thieves.
Here’s How To Share As Little Data As Possible Without Deleting Facebook – Gizmondo
Facebook: Is It Time We All Deleted Our Accounts? | Technology | The Guardian – The Guardian
How To See And Block All The Apps Tracking You On Facebook | Iflscience – IFL Science
Facebook Privacy Settings: A Complete Guide To Making Your Account More Secure | Wired – Wired
Got any tips about Facebook privacy – or other social networks? Let us know in the comments
Have A Great Weekend
I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.
Until next week, Stay Productive!