Weekly Round-Up #165: Weird Writers, Instagramming Food And Mixing Metals


This week we look at the weird habits of some of the most famous writers, how you can make your instagram food photos stand out from the crowd and give you a hot home decor trend for 2018!

Weekly Round-Up #165: Weird Writers, Instagramming Food And Mixing Metals
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Just a short round-up this week as I’m having a well-deserved week off!

This week we look at the weird habits of some of the most famous writers, how you can make your instagram food photos stand out from the crowd and give you a hot home decor trend for 2018!

The Weird Side Of Famous Writers – Custom Writing

Did you know that James Joyce wrote most of “Finnegans Wake” using a crayon? No? Then you do now!

Check out these interesting facts on 19 other writers than may shed some light on their weird and wonderful creations.

7 Microsoft Outlook Tips And Tricks For Better Email Management – Zapier

Love it or loathe it, Outlook is one of the most prolific email clients in workplaces. If you’re using Outlook then these 7 tips will help you get the most out of your inbox.

8 Tips For Mixing Metals In Home Decor – Invaluable

Don’t say we’re not trendsetters here on Flipping Heck! The next big thing in home decor is mixing metals (not metaphors as we normally do). So, don’t be afraid to put brass with aluminium – oh, maybe not, I guess you’d better read the article to find out!

How To Instagram Food [Infographic] – Kitchen Cabinet Kings

We’re all guilty of snapping photos of a rather appetising plate of food. I’m terrible for it, and also terrible at it. If you want to take fantastic food photos then the guys at Kitchen Cabinet Kings have some great advice for you.

You can check out more of my food posts with the hastag #WhatKatyCookedNext

17 Guest Posting Tips We Learned In The Trenches – Authority Hacker

I’ve decided that 2018 will be the year I branch out to other blogs and see if I can guest post. It’s an important part of developing your brand and buidling authority and Authority Hacker has 17 tried and tested tips to help you get up to speed with Guest Posting quickly and effectively

Creating Brand Identity For Small Business – Infographic – Custom Labels

We’ve been writing a lot about Small Businesses on Flipping Heck recently. As more people start up their “Side Hustles” or move their businesses online to become more effective and reach a wider audience there are some important points to consider, and one of the more important ones is creatiing a brand identity.

The Ultimate Guide to Microsoft Windows 10 Troubleshooting – SolvUSoft

Windows 10 offers a lot of improvements over previous versions but, as will all software, things will go wrong from time to time and it’s not always obvious where to look to fix it. Fear not! SolvUSoft have your back with their handy guide to fixing annoying Windows 10 problems.

How To Start A Bullet Journal | Productive Happiness – Productive Happiness

It wouldn’t be a round-up without a Bullet Journal article now, would it?! I’ve included this article as it has some fantastic pictures that illustrate the concepts of Bullet Journaling really well. And don’t forget to sign up to the newsletter to receive my “Ultimate Guide To Bullet Journaling” too!

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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