Weekly Round-Up #164: Filthy Toys, Motivational Mojo And Sizzling Side Hustles


This week we take a look how to keep your children’s toys clean, what to do when you’re not feeling motivated and how you can start a side hustle (with a couple of suggestions of things you can try out)

Weekly Round-Up #164: Filthy Toys, Motivational Mojo And Sizzling Side Hustles
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Welcome to this week’s round-up. This week we take a look how to keep your children’s toys clean, what to do when you’re not feeling motivated and how you can start a side hustle (with a couple of suggestions of things you can try out).

How To Disinfect Toys – Angie’s List

With it being cold and flu season, it’s important to stop germs spreading. One thing that’s often overlooked are children’s toys – and boy, do they go through a lot! Angie’s List covers some simple ways you can keep kid’s toys germ (and muck free).

The Best (And Worst) Sleeping Positions Backed By Science – SensorGel

The position you sleep in can have a massive effect on the quality and amount of sleep you get of a night. Different positions can be good for certain health conditions (or snoring!). Did you also know that there is a side to sleep on if you suffer from acid reflux too? Well, after reading this infographic you will!.

71 Mindfulness Exercises For Living In The Present Moment – Develop Good Habits

If you’re looking to pick up some more mindful habits but aren’t sure where to start then Develop Good Habits has 71 exercises you can use to add mindfulness to your life. They’re not suggesting that you take on all 71 exercises at once, but that you pick and choose from the list to slowly build up the techniques.

41 Sneaky Ways To Eat More Vegetables (With Recipes!) – Huffington Post

Do you struggle to eat your 5 a day (or 10 a day depending on what report you read)? If so, you can trick yourself into getting your veggies using these 41 sneaky ways to eat vegetables – the Cauliflower Crust Grilled Cheese look amazing!

Where To Find Motivation When You Need It – Quid Corner

We all struggle to find our get up and go sometimes – and don’t worry, that’s normal! But, if you’re struggling more than usual then Quid Corner has some great tips for you to get your motivational mojo back.

10 Techniques To Meet That Deadline – Saving’s Spot

Deadlines, we all have them and I don’t think many of us like them! A lot of us struggle with meeting deadlines, whether it’s because we haven’t estimated timings well or struggle with time management the important thing is to realise what the issue is in order for you to take steps to remedy it and you can see what aspects of time you might be struggling with in the Saving’s Spot infographic.

9 Scientific Reasons Why It’S Sometimes Better To Give Up – NetCredit

As the saying goes: “If at first you don’t succeed then try, try again.” But, NetCredit asks, is that the right course of action to take? According to their research, NetCredit’s infographic shows that there can be harmful side-effects of trying to push yourself on to achieve a goal, when in fact the best thing for you (mentally and physcially) might be to stop your current course of action and instead start over.

The 7 Key Ingredients In Successful Side Projects – Zapier

Everyone seems to have a side hustle going on these days (even I have a Fun Side Hustle!) but if you’re starting on a side project it can be difficult to know where to begin, or how to ensure it doesn’t impact on your “proper” job. Zapier breaks starting a side project down into 7 steps to ensure it will be a success and that you’ll actually enjoy working on it.

Business Etiquette Around The World – Fundera

We featured an infographic on business etiquette a couple of round-ups ago but I’ve included this one as it adds a a few more countries to the mix. Just remember don’t get drunk in Germany, and always hold a fork in your left hand in Argentina!

Psychology Tricks That Will Help You Be More Productive – Productivity Theory

50 Essential Moving Hacks – Simply Self Storage

Apparently the two most stressful things in life are getting married and moving home. Whilst we can’t help with the first one this week, we can help reduce your moving stress with these 50 top moving tips from Simply Self Storage. There’s some really nifty tricks in this article – and most use things you already have laying around your house so you’ll cut down on the cost of expensive packing materials as well as stress.

How To Start A Moving Business – OO Movers Canada

Sticking with moving, maybe you’ve found that using Simply Self Storage’s moving tip’s you’ve caught the moving big. In that case OO Movers Canada has a great guide on starting your own moving company so you can be your own boss.

The Colour Wheel: A Look At The World – Select Car Leasing

What does your car colour say about you? I’ve had two white cars, one black and one pearlescent British Racing Green (ooo! Get Me!) My current car is white as I found a black car got too hot in the summer (yes, even in England!) but did you know that we pay on average £517.40 just to get the paint colour we want? And if you’re looking into buying a new car in 2018 the you may want to check out the new colours that are planned (rose gold anyone?)

The True Cost Of Artisanal Mining – Money Pod

When I hear the word “Artisanal” I always seem to think of a small food market, but it can be applied to any traditional and non-mechanised work. Artisanal mining is actually a bigger industry than large scale mining which I found interesting (they produce 80% of the world’s sapphires you know!] So if you’re looking for a side hustle maybe you should find yourself a little mine somewhere!

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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