Weekly Round-Up #163: Productivity, Productivity And More Productivity!


This week has a theme of all things productivity from clearing your mind to finding your productivity style we’ve got everything you need to become the ultimate productivity machine.

Weekly Round-Up #163: Productivity, Productivity And More Productivity!
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Welcome to this week’s round-up. This week has a theme of all things productivity from clearing your mind to finding your productivity style we’ve got everything you need to become the ultimate productivity machine.

Three Tips To Increase Productivity And Help Clear Your Mind – Toronto Star

I’m not going to spoil the three tips in this article from the Toronto Star but this involves you getting out of the office, a Chrome extension and sorting out your smartphone. You can use each of these techniques on their own on in conjunction with each other to enable yourself to get things done.

4 Changes An Elite Management Consultant Would Tell You To Make To Maximize Your Productivity – Connecticut Post

Why spend thousands of dollars on an expensive consultant when you can get all of their productivity advice for free from the Connecticut Post? I wouldn’t say that there’s anything overly earth-shattering in this article but it’s nice to get a refresher every now and again.

How To Achieve Extreme Productivity – phys.org

There’s some really great advice in thie article from phys.org and I really like the idea of measuring productivity in terms of results rather than time – just because you spend a lot of time on something does’t mean that you’ve done it well, or productively.

Boost Your Productivity This Year – Business Management Daily

If you’re looking to boost your productivity then Business Management Daily has some good advice, and if you only take one thing away from this article is to acknowledge that you need to make some changes if things aren’t working well for you – there’s no point in being stuck in a rut using a system that’s not working well.

4 Productivity Tips For Busy And Time-Strapped Entrepreneurs – Newsmax.com

This article stresses the importance of MIT – or most important tasks. The article covers the basics of MIT’s so don’t worry if you’re not too familiar with the concept, just know that if you’re feeling overwhelmed then they can really help you get things done.

8 Productivity Tips That Will Change The Way You Look At Work – TechJuice

The great takeaway from this article is that it highlights the importance of a weekly review. You may think that planning your day the night before (or on that morning for that matter) is the best way forward but in reality a weekly view of all of your projects rather than what needs to get done the next day is a better way of keeping track of what needs to be done and progress.

GTD – Back to basics 5 – The Weekly Review
In this post in the GTD Back To Basics series we take a look at the importance of the Weekly Review and the type of things you need to look at when going over your previous week and your week to come.

5 Productivity Truth Bombs From Millennial Powerhouses – Entrepreneur

Sometimes you need to need to hear a produtivity technique used in context for it to make sense. In this article from Entrepreneur they look at the way 5 Millenials stay ultra productive and help grow their businesses without losing out on their personal lives.

9 Productivity Tips That Will Change Your Life – USA Today

There’s some great reminders in this article from USA Today, I really like that they’ve stressed the importance of looking at the “bigger picture” – I love my weekly review as it helps me look back on what I have completed and what I still need to look at in the coming week. You can download my “Mind Dump” Sheet below to keep track of everything on paper.

You Might Also Like: Mind Dump Organisation Sheet

Mind Dump Organisation Sheet
In order to declutter your mind and start yourself on the process of organisation and productivity you need to get all of the "stuff" out of your head. This free download is designed to help you quickly and easily get all of the clutter

10 Productivity Tips To Work Less And Accomplish More – Groundwork!

While we may all wish that there are more hours in a day sometimes, if you get a schedule in place you can free up time so that you have a pretty decent Work/Life balance without missing out at the office or at home. GroundWork! has some great productivity tips to help you manage your workload so you have time for the fun stuff.

7 Productivity Hacks That Will Increase Your Focus At Work – Business2Community

I don’t like using the word “hack” to describe productivity techniques as it can imply a half-baked workaround or cutting corners. Business2Community however offers some good advice on what Productivity pitfalls are out there and how to avoid them.

Boost Workplace Productivity And Morale In January – IT-Online

Okay, Okay! I know it’s February but Productivity isn’t bound to a month (although January does seem to be rather a tough one). IT-Online has some brilliant advice for boosting employee morale and keeping their productivity up in the cold winter months. My favourite is that you should show gratitude. How many times have you slogged your guts out only to have your work taken for granted? a simple “Thank You” can do wonders for employee morale and make them want to work even harder for you.

You Can’t Go Wrong With These Productivity Tips – Forbes

This article again stresses the importance of a Weekly Review and provides a simple framework for you to get your tasks down on paper making sure that you understand what your urgent tasks are and what can be left for the time being or delegated to someone else.

10 Weekly Bullet Journal Layouts To Kickstart Your Productivity – Page Flutter

You’ll need a robust system in place in order to keep track of the items on your weekly to-do list and if you’ve been looking around for the perfect system you’re bound to have come across Bullet Journaling. It’s a completely flexible system which is a great benefit, however it’s also its biggest drawback as it’s difficult to know what layout to use. Fear not! Page Flutter has 10 great layouts to help you organise your week and your tasks.

How Understanding Your Productivity Style Makes You Effective – Huffington Post

Apparently (according to Carson Tate in this Huffington Post article) there are four productivity styles, and the key to being productive is to figure out which style you belong to so you can tailor the way you work to the way your productivity works.

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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