Weekly Round-Up #161: Infographics For Health, Organising and Etiquette
This week we have an infographic buffet for you covering everything from healthy eating and business etiquette to perfectionism and parliaments

Welcome to this week’s round-up. This week we have an infographic buffet for you covering everything from healthy eating and business etiquette to perfectionism and parliaments.
Bizarre Sleeping Habits Of 61 Famous People – CelebJury
Think your sleeping habits are weird? Think again! In this infographic from CelebJury they look at the (strange) sleeping habits of 61 famous people – did you know Silvio Berlusconi only sleeps for 2 – 4 hours a night? How on Earth did he have the energy for all of those Bunga Bunga parties?!
How To Stop Perfectionism From Controlling Your Life – CashNet USA
Are you a perfectionist? If you are you’ll struggle to see things as finished, or may put off starting things altogether. Use the 9 tips in this infographic and learn to manage your perfectionism.
Tips On Business Etiquette Abroad – Buffalo 7
When you go abroad on business do you know how to act properly? There’s a stereotypical view that the British like to raise their voices when talking to foreigners so if you’re not sure of the correct etiquette Buffalo 7 have put together some great tips on conducting business abroad.
25 Ways To Better Organize Your Life In 2018 – Simply Self Storage
If you have a load of stuff that you don’t want to throw away but are struggling to store then Simply Self Storage have 25 ideas for you to manage and store the clutter in your home
The Non-Confrontational Person’s Guide To Conflict – NetCredit
Conflict at home or in the workplace can be a very stressful and damaging thing. If you don’t do anything about it and let it fester you will start to resent the other person and may eventially explode at them (or even leave the company). You don’t have to have an argument to resolve these issues and NetCredit gives you a way to deal with conflict if you’re non-confrontational.
Ultimate Guide To Good Posture At Work – Greatist
Are you a slouch in the office? If you work at a desk you may find that your posture suffers as the day wears on but there are a few things you can do to ensure your back doesn’t get too stressed – good posture also has some other surprising benefits as well such as boosting your metabolsim!
7 Speaking Habits To Make You Sound Smarter – Daily Infographic
In this infographic it’s not what you say but how you say it that can make you come across as smarter, it’s all to do with your posture, dropping the fillers (er’s and ums) and not shouting that are part of the puzzle to giving a great speech.
Tidying Tips From Marie Kondo’s “Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up” – Magical Daydream
If you’ve not heard of the “Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up* you can read my review here but if you’re more of a visual person then check out MariĆ«lle’s infographic showing the important points of Marie Kondo’s system (it’s worth checking out for the magical unicorn picture!)
The Guide To Cleaning Your Home With The Planet In Mind – Greener Ideal
If you’re trying to be kinder the environment buy cutting down on plastics and chemicals you may think that you’re stuck with just vinegar as a cleaning solution but you can also use dry rice, shaving cream and dryer sheets to clean a variety of household items.
Eat This, Not That, For Breakfast – Scripps
Breakfast is, they say, the most important meal of the day and if you’re in a rush you may be tempted to grab an unhealthy snack. If you’re looking to eat more healthily there are some simple breakfast food swaps you can make so you can feel fuller and still stay healthy.
How To Make A Salad Taste Awesome! – Health And Style
Sticking with healthy eating, do you know how to make a salad? You might think you do but Health And Style has some great tips to up your salad game so you can ditch the boring iceberg and try something special like Mizuna with Farro and Radishes!
How To Store Everything – Next Door Self Storage
If you’re like me and don’t want to throw anything away for sentimental reasons, or because you think it will come in useful someday then as well as checking out the Marie Kondo infographic you’ll need to learn how to maximise your storage space and use it to best effect and Next Door Self Storage has tips for storing everything from vinyl records to bread!
How To Organize Your Closet – Framed Lightscap3s
Did you know there are different hangers for different types of clothes? Well you do now thanks to Lightscap3s closet organisation infographic. You’ll also learn how much of your clothing you actually wear and what the “recycling” method is.
Where Are All The Women In Parliament? – eCard Shack
In this era of #MeToo a light is being shone on women’s role in society and this infographic from eCard Shack shows the percentage of women in the Parliaments of the G20 nations – I think the top spot may surprise you!
Have A Great Weekend
I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.
Until next week, Stay Productive!