Weekly Round-Up #158: Emergency Planning, Stop Using To-Do Lists And Office Pranks Galore


This week we look at why it’s important to have emergency response plans for your home and pets, why to-do lists may not be the best way to get things done or achieve your goals, and over 30 pranks you can play on your annoying co-workers.

Weekly Round-Up #158: Emergency Planning, Stop Using To-Do Lists And Office Pranks Galore
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This week we look at why it’s important to have emergency response plans for your home and pets, why to-do lists may not be the best way to get things done or achieve your goals, and over 30 pranks you can play on your annoying co-workers.

12 Habits To Keep Your Memory Sharp In Your 50’s – Positve Health Wellness

Whilst this post is aimed at the over fifties, it’s important to keep your memory active at any age as it will help stave off many illnesses later on in life.

Do You Have A Pet Emergency Preparedness Plan? – Angie’s List

A lot of websites encourage you to have some form of disaster recovery plan for your home and business but have you thought about one for your furry friends?

Have A House Fire Evacuation Plan – The Hartford

It’s not something we like to think about but accidents do happen at home and knowing how you’re going to escape during a fire can save precious seconds that may make all the difference. They’ve got a big radio campaign about this here in the UK at the moment so I thought I’d share the idea with people who may not be aware of the life-saving benefits of knowing your exits during an emergency.

Tedx Speaker And Entrepreneur Anuradha Tiwari Shares Her Success Mantra – GoodVitae

Anuradha Tiwari is an entrepreneur currently blazing a trail in the digital arena. In this article she shares her views on success, failure and how to get ahead. It’s quite nice to hear a female voice on the subject as this sector can be seen to be dominated by men.

10 Signs That You’re Headed For Burnout – Zapier

We’re constantly connected to work and are pushing ourselves to do more in the same amount of time. While we may feel more productive, get more done or gain promotions from all of this extra work we run the risk of burning out and making ourselves seriously ill in the process. In this article from Zapier they give you 10 signs that you may be on the verge of burning out and whether it could be a symptom of stress as well.

To Reach Your Goals, Start With Planning For The Worst – Lifehack

While we don’t really want to think of the worst-case scenario, sometimes this can actually be beneficial for us. Lifehack argues that thinking of the worst possible outcome can actually push you towards achieving your goal.

Would You Be Willing?’: Words To Turn A Conversation Around (And Those To Avoid) – The Guardian

The way you phrase a simple question or request can have a massive impact on how it’s received. Instead of asking someone “Could you just…” try switching to “Would you be willing to…” – the Guardian argues that the results could be startling.

How 33 Articles Of Clothing Can Equal 25,176 Different Outfits – Becoming Minimalist

You might think that you need a massive wardrobe for your work and social lives – not so argues Becoming Minimalist! All you need is 33 items of clothing and you’ll be set for around 65 years of outfit combinations!

You Should Quit These Bad Time Management Habits – Insider

Insider’s put together a list of 11 bad time management habits that you need to stop doing right now in order to save time and (more importantly) energy. My own bad time management habit? Being a perfectionist – I guess I have to learn that sometimes “good” is actually good enough.

How To Stay Productive Using Rocks – WPElevation

We’re not talking about real, physical rocks here! No, it’s a revisit of the metaphorical sand, pebbles, rocks and water thought process. Not sure what I’m on about and how it relates to productivity? [Read the WPElevation article to find out more!]((https://www.wpelevation.com/2017/09/how-to-stay-productive/)

How To Stop Being An Interrupting Asshole – Lifehacker

Do you keep butting in on other people’s conversations or sticking your head into an office when someone is obviously in the middle of something? You need to stop, and Lifehacker can help you stop interrupting others and let them get on with their own stuff.

A Psychologist Explains The Best Way To Rewire Your Brain To Let Go Of Negative Thoughts – Ideapod

We all have negative thoughts from time-to-time but sometimes there’s one that keeps coming back to haunt us, or won’t leave us alone once it’s popped into our heads. There are ways that you can use the power of your brain to kick these thoughts into touch and Ideapod’s article gives you some tips on how to deal with them and put a more positive spin on things.

What Psychology Teaches Us About Structuring Our Workday To Get The Most Done – Entrepreneur

Sticking with psychology, we can use this to structure our days to make us more productive. A lot of this is to do with our energy levels and learning to manage them can make all of the difference to how much we get done during the day.

5 Cheap(Ish) Things To Help You Have A Very Hygge Winter – New York Times

If you’re looking to Hygge your home this winter then the New York Times has some great treats to make your home more cosy and welcoming.

This Triangle Test Will Reveal Your Dominant Personality Trait – Buzzfeed

Want to know what your dominant personality trait is? Take this simple test to find out. Mine is Introversions and reading the breakdown it’s quite apt – let us know what you get in the comments.

Ultra Successful People Don’t Use To-Do Lists – Get Abstract Life

We’re told that in order to get stuff done we need to write it all down so it’s not clogging up our brain. Well, apparently we’re all doing it wrong and we shouldn’t be concentrating on our “to-dos” but “when to do” instead.

Productivity Tips: Staying Level – Get Doing Things

In order to get as much stuff done as possible we need to maintain an even keel and this encompases all areas of our life from our mind to our diet. In this “Get Doing Things” podcast they discuss how you can learn to stay level and become more productive.

Life-Changing Time Management Lessons I’ve Learned From Warren Buffett – Guru Focus

Warren Buffett is an American businessman and philanthropist who we can learn a from about time management – who knows, if you use these tips then you might become a billionaire too!

Tony Robbins: A To-Do List Isn’t The Way To Achieve Your Goals – CNBC Make It

Tony Robbins is an American author and life coach and he also agrees that a to-do list isn’t a great goal-achieving strategy. In a way it’s similar to Buffet’s goal achieving strategy in that you need to focus on a set of goals at a time rather than diluting our energy trying to get everything done at the same time.

14 Steps Towards Living A Simpler Lifestyle – Little House Living

We all have a lot of “stuff” – both physical and mental and Merissa over at Little House Living has 14 tips on how you can start to get rid of the clutter in your lives and live a simpler, more enjoyable life.

30+ People Share Their Most Genius Office Pranks And Some Of Them Are Beyond Evil – Bored Panda

For your Friday Funny this week how about over 30 ways to prank your colleagues. I’m not encouraging you to do any of these of course, but if you wanted to get your own back on a lunch thief or annoying co-worker then you’re sure to find something on this list that will fit the bill!

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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