Weekly Round-Up #154: Christmas Time Management, Stay Internet Safe And Make Your Kitchen Minimal


This week we take a look at some Christmas time management techniques, see how much information you’re sharing on the internet (and why it’s a dangerous thing) and how to minimise your kitchen.

Weekly Round-Up #154: Christmas Time Management, Stay Internet Safe And Make Your Kitchen Minimal
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Welcome to this week’s Round-Up. This week we take a look at some Christmas time management techniques, see how much information you’re sharing on the internet (and why it’s a dangerous thing) and how to minimise your kitchen.

The Secrets You Could Be Sharing Online – Sumpremo

How much information are you sharing online? Probably a lot more than you think. In fact, a major UK bank has a campaign out that highlights exactly what unscrupulous people can do with your social media data.

Don’t think you’re sharing that much information? Then check out the Supremo Privacy Checker which will show you what information fraudsters (or a prospective boss) can see about you.

How To Browse The Web As Anonymously As Possible – 2017 Edition – Pixel Privacy

If you’re concerned about your online privacy (and you should be) but you don’t know where to begin then the Pixel Privacy guide is a good starting point. It explains all of the basics from how websites track you, to the dangers of hooking up to your coffee shop’s wi-fi and explains the tools you can use to keep your digital footprint as small as possible.

A Millenial’s Guide To Spending (And Saving) With Modest Wages – Investment Zen

Whilst this is aimed at the Millenial Generation, there’s a lot of good general advice about saving money for any generation – I especially like the 50/20/30 rule that you can apply to your salary to figure out where you should be spending your hard-earned money.

A Millenials Guide to Spending And Saving with Modest Wages

Via: InvestmentZen.com

Time Is Money: What Time Wasting Is Costing You – Chronologic & Uattend

Wasting time at work is something we all do, let’s admit it. However, many people are unaware of how little distractions throughout the day add up to cost A LOT of money. Statistics show that 89% of people waste time at work, with social media sites like Facebook costing the economy up to 25 billion pounds!

The lovely people over at Chronologic & Uattend have created an infographic for employees and employers alike outlining how people waste time and how much this costs businesses and the economy as a whole. They’ve even put in a few little tips as to how to reduce these time-wasting activities.

Time Is Money: What Time Wasting Is Costing You

Organize Your Life With The Agile Method – Zapier

Agile Methodology has been talked about for years when it comes to software development, but it can also be applied to other areas of your life too. Essentially you prioritise your tasks on a scale of priority and criticallity. This allows you to then focus on what really needs to be done first as opposed to what you want to do first.

Able2Extract Professional 12 – Able2Extract

I wrote a review of the preview version of Able2Extract 12 and the full version of Able2Extract 12 has now been released so if you need to edit PDF documents, add editable forms of export them to Word then this is a great tool.

Free PDF To Word Converter Online – PDF Convertor

If you’re looking for a free PDF to word solution then PDF Converter can do a great job if you’re looking for a quick solution to get a PDF into another format.

How To Tell If Someone Is Lying With These 10 Science-Backed Hacks – Learning Mind

We will all come across liars at some point in our lives – it’s an unfortunate fact that we have to deal with. The question is: How do you know if they are really lying, or if you’re just being a bit overly suspicious. Apparently there are a few key tells that a liar will do (without knowing) so check this article out to see whether your Aunty Margaret really does like that tea-cosy you bought her for Christmas.

7 Reasons To Minimize Your Kitchen This Weekend – Becoming Minimalist

Coming up to the busy festive season the kitchen will become the hub of the home and it’s well worth taking a look around this weekend to see if you can clear away some of the clutter to make your cooking area more welcoming and, more importantly, efficient.

Ex-Navy Seals Reveals The Ultimate Secret To Waking Up Earlier In The Morning – VT

Do you struggle to get up in the morning? Regular readers will know that I do, but I am slowly getting better thanks to a few new techniques I’ve used – and I’ll be adding this Navy Seal tip to my routine soon (minus the kettle bells though!)

A Journaling Practice To Achieve The Life You Really Want – MindBodyGreen

You may think that journalling is just about writing down the account of your day, but it can be so much more than that. Using a journal can help you to visualise your goals, the strategy you’re going to use to achieve them, keep track of your progress and challenge yourself to improve in a variety of ways.

How To Use Workplace Stress To Triple Workplace Productivity – Forbes

We’re told constantly that stress is a bad thing, that it should be readicated from the workplace and that it will only lead to discontent and ill health. This article from Forbes argues that stress can actually be a driving force in terms of productivity and motivation, and may not be the bad thing it’s made out to be.

Dragons’ Den Star Kelly Hoppen’s Top Seven Productivity Tips – The Guardian

What techniques does a multi-millionaire business owner and investor use to get things done? The Guardian takes a look at Dragon’s Den star Kelly Hoppen and asks her what her main productivity tips are.

3 Ways To Improve Morale And Social Engagement In The Workplace – Social News Daily

It’s all well and good having a workforce that turns up on time, is productive and meets deadlines but employers need to start looking at the relationship aspects of their workforce – afterall a workforce that gets along together is a happier one. This article looks at 3 ways you can encourage better relationships between employees (note: they don’t mention bowling nights but I think some form of competition is a great benefit!)

Excessive Emails Damaging Uk Office Workers’ Productivity, Study Finds – The Independent

We on email so much for communication that’s it’s all too easy for us to get booged down with it and let it run our lives. According to list article, the biggest email hurdle was being copied in on non-relevant emails – not to worry, I have a solution for that!

Manage Emails Like A Boss: 5 Email Productivity Tips To Clear Your Inbox Every Morning – Mailbird

If you’re struggling to manage your emails then it may be time to start using processes to help your sort your inbox out (hint: most of these are covered in my course and this article from Mailbox gives you a good overview of what you need to think about implementing to get on top of your inbox.

Intrinsic Worth Of Good Time Management – Trainingzone

You may be new to this website, you may be a regular reader but still aren’t convinced why you need to master time management. If that’s the case then this article from Trainingzone gives you some good reasons why time management is so important and what it will help you achieve.

Time Management For Teens: 10 Tips For Tackling Schoolwork – Educational Connections

Sticking with time management, it’s not just people who work in high powered jobs that need time management – kids need it too. With increasing pressure on Children in terms of extra classes, homework assignments and extra-curricular activities it can be difficult for them to manage their time effectively. This article helps you explain the importance of time management and gives 10 steps so that they can achieve it easily.

6 Tips For Time Management During The Holidays – 425 Business

He’s making a list and checking it twice… if Santa is so organised shouldn’t you be too? This article covers some of the ways you can manage your time better over the holiday period, allowing you to keep your stress levels lower and spend more time with the family.

Give Yourself The Gift Of More Time During The Holidays – Ozy

Sticking with Holiday time management, Ozy had some examples of how you can get your work schedule sorted so that it’s Christmas ready and you’re able to relax over the holiday period.

My advice? Take a look at what is coming in and if it’s not critical, schedule it in for the New Year – you deserve some time off despite what your customer’s think. If they’re not happy? Of course you can do it before the end of the year – for an extra fee of course!

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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Featured Image: Red, White & Black Snowman by Public Domain Pictures on Pexels.com
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