Weekly Round Up #15 – Sock wearing, passion projects and Beyoncé


In this weekly round up I take a look at how wearing socks can make you sleep better, how to stop procrastinating and get that passion project off-the-ground and that really we’re all Beyoncé.

Weekly Round-Up - Cowboy Lassoing Text
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Wow, this week seemed to go really quickly. Maybe it’s because we had a Bank Holiday in the U.K which meant a 4 day week, or maybe it’s because the sun has finally come out and spring is in the air. Whatever it is, it seems to have put everyone in a good mood and I hope you’re feeling upbeat going into the weekend too.

Below are my picks for this weekend’s reading and an update on my April Challenge to Spring Clean your computer

9 Ways to Cope When You Can’t Fall Asleep – MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal has some good tips to help you wind down at the end of the day and fall asleep easier. One of the weirder ones is wearing socks: apparently this helps blood flow and in turn helps you fall asleep – I hate wearing socks at the best of times so this won’t work for me!

How to Motivate Yourself to Actually Start That Passion Project – Lifehacker

Everyone has a pet project that they want to complete. Mine’s re-writing my dissertation into a book that actually makes sense! This post from Lifehacker gives some interesting pointers in how to stop procrastinating and make a start.

This Infographic Tells You How Often To Clean Household Items – Lifehacker

How often do you change your bed or clean your mattress? How about a carpet? This infographic tells you what needs doing and when so now you have no excuse for that dodgy looking shower head you’re embarrassed to let your house guests see!

Distracted? 11 Hacks That Will Help You Focus. (Infographic) – Entrepreneur

Yes, another infographic. I seem to be in a visual mood this week! This post gives you some good ideas about how to regain focus when you’re drifting off. I like the idea of bringing my pet with me but two cats running amok around a workplace would probably distract even more!

The 6 Productivity Secrets Of The World’s Best CEOs – Stackhands

Everybody is constantly telling us that we all have the same hours in the day (as Beyoncé) but some seem to be more effective with this time than others. Stackhands gives you 6 simple tips to become more productive – if unfortunately not a millionaire. I completely agree with #3 (using labels and filters in Gmail), and have this in place myself (read my post about using labels to get to Inbox Zero here) to ensure I’m not distracted by newsletters and Amazon confirmation orders when I should be looking at something more important

April Challenge Progress

You may recall that I set you all – and myself – a challenge for April: Spring Clean your Computer Hard Drive. Well, I’ve pretty much sorted out all of the files on my Mac and moved those that need to be backed up to my NAS in a very neat and tidy folder structure. I still have to look at organising the photos I have that get dumped in my DropBox folder on my Mac from my phone and, as these go back to 2013 it may take some time but at least I’ll be able to relive drunken fond memories!

Have a great weekend

I hope you all have a relaxing time and can enjoy the barbecue weather while it lasts (fingers crossed, eh?!)

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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