Weekly Round-Up #14 – My Brain Is Melting, Spring Clean Effeciently and a Free Download For You
Welcome to the weekly Round-Up for your Easter Weekend. In this post we look at my new downloadable product for you FlipPlan, how multi-tasking can severely damage your brain and how to spring clean your house efficiently.

I hope you had a great week and didn’t fall for too many April fool’s jokes.
Here in the U.K it’s Easter weekend so for some lucky souls that means a 4 day weekend – I hope you enjoying, just don’t pig out on the Easter Eggs too much!
Anyway, here’s this week’s round-up of posts that I’ve found the web for you to read this week.
FlipPlan Printable Planner Released – Flipping Heck
I’ve been working on the FlipPlan over the past couple of weeks which is why my posting schedule has been a bit sporadic. The FlipPlan is a free printable planner that lets you print out a small pocket sized calendar. I’m rolling out more updates soon so keep an eye one it.
So, check out the FlipPlan generator page and create your own FlipPlan today.
5 Fake-Productive Things You’re Doing That Are a Waste Of Time – Fast Company
Fighting fires and perfectionism are just two of the things we need to stop doing if we want to become a more productive person. Yup, sometimes we need to accept that “good is good enough”.
20 Daily habits Of Highly Organized People – LifeHack
Tidy, sort through email and post and uncluttering are apparently the signs of a “highly” organised person.
Why You Should Leave Work On Time – Entrepreneur
Working later doesn’t necessarily make you a more productive person, not only that, you could be giving your company free overtime and damaging your health to boot.
10 Of The Most Awesome Organizing Tips Ever – Get Organized Wizard
A bit of a tongue in cheek post for April 1st regarding organising and uncluttering.
There’s a Modern Affliction Ruining Our Friendships — And We’re All Guilty of It – MIC
Modern technology makes it far too easy to commit to appointments (work related or personal), over commit or agree to something we don’t want to do only to flake out later. We need to prioritise our appointments and not overextend ourselves.
The Many, Many, Many Things You Should Say “No” To At Work – Fast Company
Just as we may over commit ourselves with appointments with friends, we often find ourselves over-extending ourselves with our commitments at work. Sometimes we need to take a step back and look at our options.
Multitasking Can Damage Your Brain and Career, Studies Say – Entrepreneur
Multitasking can damage parts of our brains – this is worrying news as whilst I’m reading the article and typing this post I’m also watching T.V – a big “No No” apparently – uh oh!
Take BuzzFeed’s 10-Day Spring Cleaning Challenge – Buzzfeed
Spring has sprung and it’s time to start having a good old clear out, but you don’t have to be overwhelmed as Buzzfeed breaks it all down for us and then provides a routine for you to keep on top of it.
How clutter affects your productivity (and what you can do about it) – The Next Web
Clutter is almost as bad as multi-tasking for hindering productivity, clear up to clear your mind.