Weekly Round-Up #129: Music For Motivation, Upgrading Your Life and Fitness Tracking
This week we take a look at the importance of music in both motivation and productivity, 8 habits that will “upgrade” your life and some new Android fitness trackers you may not have heard of.

This week we take a look at the importance of music in both motivation and productivity, 8 habits that will “upgrade” your life and some new Android fitness trackers you may not have heard of.
Gym Motivation: How To Get Motivated To Exercise With Music – Chains To Gains
I don’t know about you but I find it so much easier to exercise if I have some music to do it along to. This post from Chains To Gains covers the benefits of music when exercising and how it can improve your motivation
12 Ways That Music Makes You More Productive At Work – Zing Instruments
Sticking with music, this infographic from Zing Instruments covers 12 ways that music can improve your productivity when working. Some people think that music is a distraction, I persoablly think that being able to drown out your coworkers is a massive bonus!
Do what you love. Find Your Purpose In Life – Self Development Secrets
If you hate your job, aren’t happy with the direction of your career or are bored of your hobbies then don’t moan about it – these items are all within your control to change and doing so can help you find your true purpose in life.
13 Reasons That Prove Viewing Nature Scenes Can Improve Your Health – Fotoviva
I’m lucky enough to live in the countryside so have plenty of access to nature scenes – I find a walk across the fields or through the woods is a great way to clear out the mental cobwebs. If you’re not so lucky then looking at images of nature can have a similar effect and this article from Fotoviva covers 13 ways they can help your health.
The Stoic Reading List: 6 Must-Read Books To Get You Started – Teaching Entrpreneurs
If you’re interested in living your life in a better way and deal with the troubles that life may through at you then you may want to check out Stoicism and Arda Cargin at Teaching Entrepreneurs has put together a great list of books to help you get started. Don’t forget to sign up for his email list too as he’ll be lauching a free Stoicism mastery course soon too!
“Personal kanban”: a life-changing time-management system that explodes the myth of multitasking – Quartz
I love the flexibility of a Kanban board – there’s something about the tactile nature of moving paper around, and the ease of seeing all of your projects and tasks laid out in one place really helps you plan out what you need to work on. If you’re not sure what a Kanban board is this post from Quartz will help, and you can check out my tale on Kanban boards here.
8 Habits That Will Upgrade Your Life – Forbes
Some of these habits will be rather obvious, but there was one that resonated with me: “Know When To Privilege Convenience”. Too often we feel as though we need to do everything ourselves and feel guilty if we fall behind, don’t have time or miss a dealine. The take-away? It’s not cheating if you ask for help – whether that be from friends or if you pay for it.
17 Great Time Management Tips – ValueWalk
This infographic from ValueWalk covers 17 simple tips to manage your time better from the importance of scheduling to time audits there are some great tips for getting more done with your day.
Best Android Apps — Fitness Trackers — June 2017 – Android Headlines
I’ve been looking at a new fitness app to try for a couple of weeks now since MyFitnessPal and my Jawbone tracker stopped talking to each other and there are a couple of interesting ones on the list (from Sony and Samsung) that I will be looking into in a lot more detail.
Why You Should Manage Your Energy And Not Your Time – BBC
We looked at time management tips earlier on in this round-up but this article from the BBC argues that we’re going about being the productive the wrong way and we should be managing our energy levels rather than our time. This includes matching tasks to the way that you feel and also ensuring that you get enough rest as well.
Have A Great Weekend
I hope you have great weekend, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.
Until next week, Stay Productive!
Featured Image: Headphones and Smartphone by Kaboompics