Weekly Round-Up #119: Memory Mazes, Organising All Your Stuff And Why A Fun Office Is Needed


Welcome to this week’s round up. We take a looks at how you can never lose your keys again, lots of organising tips including a great paper-storage system and how to determine whether you’re an introvert or extrovert based on your McDonald’s order!

Weekly Round-Up #119: Memory Mazes, Organising All Your Stuff And Why A Fun Office Is Needed
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Welcome to this week’s round up. We take a looks at how you can never lose your keys again, lots of organising tips including a great paper-storage system and how to determine whether you’re an introvert or extrovert based on your McDonald’s order!

Memorise this: how to remember everything, just like Sherlock – The Telegraph

I have a pretty good memory – much to the annoyance of family and co-workers when I’m able to remind them of something they said months ago. It does come in handy being able to think back through my Memory Maze so I can remember where I last had something! If you want to learn to improve your memory skills then this article from The Telegraph can help .

You can read more about about the Method Of Loci on Wikipedia.

20 Office Organization Tips – The Idea Room

There are some really simple tricks in this article that could really help you organise your work space a lot smarter – I really like the idea of the charging hub, especially as the amount of items I’m needing to charge is growing!

Ikea Hack: Trones Shoe Holder For Paper Storage – Hey Let’s Make Stuff

If you’re into crafting or just use a lot of paper (I fall into both camps!) it’s sometimes difficult to know how to store it. This great idea from Cori at Hey Let’s Make Stuff takes an easy-to-find Ikea shoe rack and turns it into fantastic storage solution.

9 Easy Tricks for Creating A Productive Workspace – Little Coffee Fox

I completely swear by all the 9 tricks in this article, but the one that I find helps me most with my productivity is No. 6 – Get a Dry Erase Board. Being able to scribble down notes and to-dos that are quickly viewable rather than buried in a notebook or diary. If you can’t put a whiteboard/dry erased board up then simply laminate some paper and use that instead!

Use the Five Folder System to Finally Organize Your Email Inbox – Lifehacker

I’m not sure I could cope with just 5 email folders – I like to manage my emails based on project/topic and don’t think I could deal with them being chucked in one big pile (no matter how good the search functionality is). Want to know more about my email system? Sign-Up to the Becoming An Email Ninja Course which is starting soon.

Six Items That Should Never Be On Your To-Do List – Fast Company

How many times have you added something to your to-do list because you know it’s something you do already but like the idea of having something to cross off? Well, according to Fast Company you shouldn’t be doing that (no matter how good or productive it makes you feel). Oh, and stop migrating tasks too – if you move them too often it’s obvious you have no intention of doing them…

Why To-Do Lists Don’t Work and Done Lists Do – Lifehack

So if you don’t like the idea of not being allowed to write down things that you’ll be doing anyway, how about writing down everything you’ve done. You might not think that you get much done during the day, but I’m sure if you write it all down then you’ll be surprised what you have actually accomplished.

How to Increase Productivity by 10 Times in 24 Hours as a Blogger? – Teaching Entrpreneurs

I know I suffer from “Blogger Burnout” on occasion so when Arda go in touch to ask me to consider this article I for consideration I read it with interest. The content in this post isn’t just for bloggers, you can apply it to any project that may through up barriers to productivity or motivation. It covers a lot of information so grab a coffee before you read it!

How to Maximize Productivity Through Fun in the Workplace – Team Gantt

It’s a well known fact that a happy worker is a more productive worker and more foreward thinking companies understand this and provide employees with a variety of “toys” in the workplace to allow them to blow off steam. All I need now is for my company to provide us all with a free set of Adult Heelys* and I’ll be as Happy As Larry.

We Know How Introverted And Extroverted You Are Based On Your McDonald’s Order – Buzzfeed

Finally a bit of fun for your Friday. Do you think you’re an introvert or an extrovert? Find out with this test from Buzzfeed who will find out which you are based on the very scientific method of asking you to order food from McDonalds! I found it quite accurate – let me know your results and thoughts in the comments.

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Featured Image: Puzzle Labyrinth by Pheee on Pixabay

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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1 thought on “Weekly Round-Up #119: Memory Mazes, Organising All Your Stuff And Why A Fun Office Is Needed

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