Weekly Round-Up #103: My Favourite Posts Of 2016
In this weekly round-up I take the opportunity to highlight some of my favourite posts of 2016. Have a look to see if there is a hidden gem you may have missed!

As it’s almost Christmas I’ve decided to take a step back from our usual round-up format and pick my own favourite posts of 2016 (next week is the year in review of what you found most interesting).
It’s been really difficult to choose as I’ve had some great content from a lot of guest authors so I’ve decided to pick one post per month to make it easier on myself – sorry if your post didn’t get chosen, I assure you they’re all as brilliant as each other which is why this has been such a tough choice!
January – Settings Savings Goals In 2016
I am terrible at saving money – if I can see it in my savings account then I can spend it, right? I had a look at various savings challenges before the new year started and wrote about them in this post. I personally chose to do the 365 penny challenge which has worked out brilliantly for me (although I’ll be tweaking it next year – stay tuned to find out more!)
February – Don’t Get Caught In A Task Vacuum – How Parkinson’s Law Affects Productivity
Government Red Tape is becoming even more prevalent in the UK now thanks to Brexit. A lot of companies are still adding layer upon layer of bureaucracy too – there are ways you can stop it bogging you down though!
March – Is the Cloud The Answer? Technology may not be the solution to all our problems
My internet is still pretty spotty – we have really great days and then really bad ones (although no-one will accept responsibility of course!) and I think our ever-increasing reliance on the cloud makes this post still as relevant almost a year later.
April – Spring Cleaning Series
When we think of spring cleaning we often just think of it in terms of getting rubbish out of wardrobes and cleaning behind the fridge. This post looks at getting rid of the mental cobwebs too which I think is relevant all year round.
May – 5 ways to Overcome Procrastination [Guest Post]
I’ve put off writing this post for at least a week. Why? I’ve found “better” things to do – if by better you mean binge-watch the X-Files and Vanderpump rules (odd combination I know!). In this post Amina Hassan gives you five simple tips to get out of your funk and get stuff done.
June – Free Subscriber Download: Ultimate Blog Planner [Revised]
As we head towards the new year you may be thinking about getting your blogging a bit more organised – I know I am, and there’s only so much I can do on a spreadsheet. This printable is suitable for the Classic Happy planner or and A5 planner (resize to 95% when printing) and should contain most things you need to get your writing organised in the New Year.
July – 8 Insanely Actionable Ways To Clear Your Mind Right Now [Guest Post]
Following on from our mental spring clean in April, Christiaan Riemens gives you 8 tips to help get all of that rubbish out of your mind and do something about it, or forget it.
August – How to Organize Your Workplace More Efficiently [Guest Post]
It’s physical clutter in your workplace that Maria Castle helps you sort out in this post. Thanks to this advice (and reading “The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up”) I’m a lot more organised in my working environment.
September – Healthy Habits Series
In September I decided I needed to improve my diet. Whilst the goal was to try and lose weight (which has happened, albeit slower than I would have liked), I also wanted to cut down on the amount of pre-processed food I was eating, monitor my sugar and salt intake and stick within a recommended calorie intake. This series covers tracking these habits and how to work to achieve them.
October – Email 101
October was when I decided to put together my Become An Email Ninja Course (which is still enrolling but slightly overdue!). This 4 post series covers some of the best tips you need to get control of your email inbox in the New Year.
November – Money Saving Hacks for Students [Guest Post]
After the expense of Christmas (and, let’s face it, a New Year’s bender) you’ll need some ways to trim your budget and this article from Robert Morris gives you some great tips on how to save pennies.
December – 100+ Productivity Blogs You Need To Read In 2017
This post took a lot of work to put together, and I must say the hard work paid off. I’m really pleased with all the positive feedback I’ve got from you guys about it so I know the hard work was worthwhile. If you have any websites you think I should look at with a view to adding to the list please contact me
Over To You
Do you have a favourite post that I didn’t include on the list? Let me know in the comments below.
I hope you have a Happy Christmas – try not to eat too much as apparently we consume 6000 Calories On Christmas Day – That’s 3 times your recommended daily intake so you’d definitely better check out my Healthy Habits Series!