Weekly Round Up #4 – Bad Email Habits, Cats and Pacing

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Welcome to my round up of news I’ve come across during my travels around the internet this week that I think will make for some interesting reading for you over the weekend.

7 Email Habits You Need To Break – Fast Company

Add these tips to my 10 tips for effective email use and you may start to use email as a productive tool rather than a time sink.

Checking Email Too Often Is Stressful, Hurts Productivity – Big Think

Sticking with email, this article and accompanying video is well worth looking at if you find yourself spending a lot of time living in your inbox.

Using the Double Time Method for Successful Project Outcomes – Small Business Trends

Double time doesn’t mean doing things twice as fast, it means doubling the estimated time required to complete the task. That way we can take our time after all, “more haste means less speed“.

8 handy iOS tips you’ll use – ComputerWorld

I’m not an IOS user, but some of these hints sound very handy and I’d like to seem them on Android

How To Be Motivated: 4 New Insights From Research – Barking Up The Wrong Tree

This article is an interesting look at Dan Pink’s take on motivation who is a multi-million selling author and has one of the most popular TED talks ever. In the article you’ll look at why you don’t feel motivated, what are our true motivating factors and motivation mistakes.

Hat tip to LifeHacker.com

6 time-management tips for busy entrepreneurs – Business Pulse

These tips aren’t new, but it’s always worth having a refresher of what we should be looking at when planning our days

6 Strange (but effective) productivity tips – Jewish Journal

Yes! I knew looking at cat pictures on Tumblr all day was good for my productivity!

10 productivity tips to make 2015 your most successful year ever – Linked In

Some of these are no brainers, but a couple of items are quite useful to think of, such as ‘Understand that “perfect” is often the enemy of “done.”‘

17 Small (and totally doable) tweaks that will change your year – Fast Company

I use some of these techniques to good effect, for example pacing when taking phone calls – it’s surprising how many steps you can take during a quick call to someone!

Have a good weekend

I hope you enjoyed this weeks’ round-up. If there are any news stories, apps, books or websites you think I should be checking out please contact me – I always love to hear from you guys.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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