Top 5 Reasons You Need A Lawyer After A Car Accident

Top 5 Reasons You Need A Lawyer After A Car Accident


When you have a car accident, you may experience anxiety and injury as well as damage to your vehicle. If your injuries are serious, you will probably miss a good deal of time away from work because you have to go to the doctor’s office and you may need help around the house. You may think that insurance will take care of your bills, but an insurance company will rarely offer a person a settlement that will pay for all of their expenses. Whenever you have an accident with injuries, you should talk to an attorney. There are several reasons why an attorney can get you a better settlement than you could ever get on your own.

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When you have a car accident, you may experience anxiety and injury as well as damage to your vehicle. If your injuries are serious, you will probably miss a good deal of time away from work because you have to go to the doctor’s office and you may need help around the house.

You may think that insurance will take care of your bills, but an insurance company will rarely offer a person a settlement that will pay for all of their expenses. Whenever you have an accident with injuries, you should talk to an attorney. There are several reasons why an attorney can get you a better settlement than you could ever get on your own.

1. A Lawyer Can Tell You If The Case Is Worth Pursuing

You may suspect that an insurance company is offering you too little money. An attorney will have seen many cases like yours. They are likely to know what every kind of injury is worth. The company may make you a fair offer.

2. An Attorney Will Understand Insurance Law

The car accident lawyers at advise that there are two basic kinds of insurance rules in the country; fault and no-fault. If you live in a fault state, the insurance company of the person who caused the accident will be responsible for paying the related bills. If you live in a no-fault state, like Florida, your own insurance company will be responsible for paying the related bills.

In the state of Florida, drivers must carry $25,000 for bodily injury per person, $50,000 per accident, and $20,000 for property damage. If the bills exceed the amount of money a person was covered for, it may be very hard for them to recover the outstanding balance from an insurance company by themselves.

An attorney will know all of the circumstances under which you may be able to get more money for your injuries. A legal professional will be well versed in exceptions to the fault rule.

3.They Can Negotiate For You

When an insurance company tries to low-ball you on a settlement, you may be tempted to take what they offer because you do not have the time to argue with them. An attorney will have years of experience dealing with insurance adjusters. They will know exactly what arguments to use to get you a better offer. According to the legal professionals at, relying on a car accident lawyer for a fair settlement can help you negotiate better and meet your financial losses.

4. They Can Represent You If You Need To Sue

There are some situations in which you will not be able to get a satisfactory settlement. In this case, your attorney may recommend a lawsuit. They can file the suit for you and take all the necessary steps to have the company served with a summons.

5. They Can Argue For You In A Trial

Personal injury cases almost never go to court. Your lawyer will negotiate with the insurance company for you several times before you ever go to a trial. If the case does go before a judge or jury, you will have a trained professional speaker in your corner.

Getting injured in an accident can be one of life’s most devastating experiences. You should get the money you deserve to move forward.

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