Are You Committing These Rookie Mistakes While Creating Online Courses?

Are You Committing These Rookie Mistakes While Creating Online Courses?


If you want to keep your employees up to date with new processes and ensure that they’re happy and fulfilled then training plays an important part in that satisfaction. In this article Kamy Anderson looks at how you can use quizzes in the right way to keep your employees trained.

Are You Committing These Rookie Mistakes While Creating Online Courses?
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According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor data, three million employees have left their job voluntarily every month since June 2017. More than half of all organizations worldwide face difficulty retaining valued talent groups, which is why HR leaders point out that it’s critical to improve employee retention in years to come.

Fortunately, there is a way out for creating online courses that are highly engaging and informative for the employees. All you need to do is choose a reliable learning management system that provides you advanced and robust tools so that you can customize your course according to your needs and convenience. In fact, companies that invest $1,500 in training per employee can expect 24% more profit on average after using LMS.

However, to achieve those results, training managers have to deliver key learning objectives and drive business growth on effective eLearning courses. Before you start using an LMS , you need to be aware of the rookie and overlooked mistakes that most beginners make and understand the basics of how to create an online course.

Let’s take a look at what you need to know.

No Commitment towards Course Development   

Small desk sitting on computer keyboard

Sometimes, course creators fail to see that course development demands attention, commitment, and proper planning, just like any other project. Unplanned content flow or attempt to convert traditional learning into an online course will leave learners confused and disinterested. eLearning requires dynamic methods to create a compact and consistent course, while carefully thinking about learners engagement and interaction. Try to make your course more interactive and easy to understand by adding images, videos, graphs and so on. If you think that learners find your course lengthy, break the content into small, yet comprehensive units ideal for 20-minute learning sessions.

Going Overboard

Bookshelf on computer screen

Adding excessive images and additional information to round up the course or going overboard with learning content can make people disinterested and lost in explanations. However, online courses should be interesting, informative and highly-engaging so that it benefits learners’ in one way or the other. Using advanced LMS tools, you can cover the specific learning needs of your target audience and give them a better learning experience. Course designers have to develop a clear set of objectives based on the ultimate goal you are trying to achieve with online training. The content has to be well-structured and rich in additional features such as links, visuals, video, or audio. Avoid lengthy texts, excessive images, and videos. Make use of bullets or paragraphs to split up the content into digestible bits.

Not Paying Attention To Learning Progress  

Computer screen with feedback and reviews

Most eLearning designers make a mistake of creating and distributing courses without testing or evaluating them. The learners’ progress can be a significant sign of what the course lacks and how online trainees feel about it. Therefore, to provide your learners a better learning experience you need to incorporate quizzes, surveys, and practical exercises. Also, provide feedback to the learners so that they start taking the online training seriously to improve their skills and escalate career opportunities. this way, you not not help learners to enhance their knowledge but also get to know about where your online course is lagging behind.

Absence Of Interactivity

Another mistake that most startups and businesses make is that they focus more on time and money expenditure rather than providing quality learning to their audience. However, quality of the courses shouldn’t be compromised as it offers a major return on investment. Businesses think that hiring a instructor results in high costs. Whereas it is crucial to have an experienced instructor who can guide and navigate the confused learners by means of interaction. You can also make use of your advanced learning management system that include various interactive and visual elements to engage the audience.

How to Learn from Mistakes?

Man moving people around a compuerised grid

Perhaps the biggest advantage of LMS and online courses is that you don’t have to design a course all over again and start from scratch if you’ve hit some bumps along the way. This is precisely the reason why constant tracking, course evaluation, and feedback matter so much. elearning courses provide in-depth insight into the course design and online learning efficiency.

Having said that, the eLearning platform you have selected plays a huge part in the user experience. If you choose an unreliable system, you can impact the learners’ motivation and their ability to complete the training. Not to mention that the business can only lose money by going with poor tech gadgets instead of the verified source.

So, choose your LMS provider carefully and focus on what matters the most: creating valuable, engaging, and interactive content with clear objectives and regular feedback to enhance employee motivation. Don’t refrain from readjusting lessons and fixing initial mistakes, because online learning is a format that grows and evolves to suit your needs.

Start Creating your Online Course!

Do you recognize errors you might have made when designing a course? This is an excellent opportunity to recognize, reevaluate, and change a poor eLearning experience into powerful and highly rewarding online training that your employees will appreciate.

Choose a dependable learning management system and create an online course that takes into consideration both the weaknesses and strengths of each learner. Become a real instructor the learning audience can rely on and give feedback to, so that you can improve the course design along the way.

About The Author
Kamy Anderson is an ed-tech enthusiast with a passion for writing on emerging technologies in the areas of corporate training and education. He has 7+ years of experience working with ProProfs learning management system and other eLearning authoring tools, which has given him a hands-on experience of the latest course authoring software and an exclusive insight into the eLearning industry.
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