Taking Control of Work/Life Balance

Taking Control of Work/Life Balance


CIO.Com has an interesting interview with leadership consultant and psychologist Henry Cloud on the importance of a good work/life balance. Cloud notes that work life balance never used to be a problem because the personal and the professional were two separate spheres. But that’s no longer the case. Our identities are increasingly tied up in our work. We take tremendous pride in our work. And in our effort to balance work and home, the two have become inexorably bound.

Balancing Scales
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CIO.Com has an interesting interview with leadership consultant and psychologist Henry Cloud on the importance of a good work/life balance.

Cloud notes that work life balance never used to be a problem because the personal and the professional were two separate spheres. But that’s no longer the case. Our identities are increasingly tied up in our work. We take tremendous pride in our work. And in our effort to balance work and home, the two have become inexorably bound.

The article stress the importance of being able to separate your working life from your home life. Something that’s becoming increasingly difficult in the every increase world of 24 hour connectivity wherever you are.

Blackberries, iPhones, remote working all connect us to our business in one way or another all the time. Even the humble bog-standard mobile keeps us tied to the office, even at the weekends.

I’m quite lucky in that I have quite a definite separation of work and home, but I do feel sorry for those that are tethered to the jobs in this way all the time.

So, if you’re on of the unlucky ones, check out the article for some handy tips on how to improve your work/life balance.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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4 thoughts on “Taking Control of Work/Life Balance

  1. “Hey! I wrote up that Q&A for CIO.com with Henry Cloud. Thanks so much for linking to it! I’m glad to hear you found it useful enough to share with your readers. Your blog is great!”

  2. “Work life balance is quintessential in this fast paced age. You might also be interested to read this article on work life balance at http://outsorcerer.com/blog/?p=16. “

  3. “@Meridith – Thanks for stopping by 🙂 !@Ishani – Good article there, thanks for pointing it out, I’ll be adding the site to my reading list@Dan – Recharging is definitely needed. If we don’t then we burn out, lose motivation and end up making ourselves ill”

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