Top Legal Considerations For Canadian Employers In 2021

Top Legal Considerations For Canadian Employers In 2021


The pandemic has changed the way businesses operate, and some changes are here to stay. Many organizations have decided to continue remote work arrangements to keep the employees safe from the fresh virus waves. The ones that have reopened are going the extra mile to address workplace risks. The constantly-evolving legal rules are also a concern for employers. It becomes vital to understand the latest developments in employment law and comprehend how they can affect your business. Here are some key considerations for Canadian employers in 2021.

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The pandemic has changed the way businesses operate, and some changes are here to stay. Many organizations have decided to continue remote work arrangements to keep the employees safe from the fresh virus waves. The ones that have reopened are going the extra mile to address workplace risks. The constantly-evolving legal rules are also a concern for employers. It becomes vital to understand the latest developments in employment law and comprehend how they can affect your business. Here are some key considerations for Canadian employers in 2021.

COVID-19 Regulations Will Continue To Evolve

The worst may be over, but the virus is still at large, so you can expect COVID-19 regulations to be around through this year as well. However, these regulations may evolve according to the changing circumstances. For example, there could be issues such as the employer’s right to send workers home with or without pay until they have work for them. The answers to such questions are uncertain. Employers need to keep close track of the rules to stay on the right side of the law.

Return From Remote Work Will Be In Focus

Whole employers embraced remote work out of choice or compulsion in 2020, the focus in the New Year will be on getting people back. Employers are concerned about the impact of extended work-from-home on their operations. The question right now is how to get people back without risking their health and safety. If you are confused about the legal implications of the decision, you can consult an expert Toronto Employment Lawyer at sultan lawyers for guidance. They can help you compare the options of reopening despite the risk and continuing with remote operations.

Employee Contracts Will Need Attention

The Canadian Courts are known for their employee-friendly stance, which means that employers need to go the extra mile with legal safeguards. One area that deserves special attention in 2021 is employment agreements. Preparing custom contracts is the best advice because these let you cover specific circumstances for the company and workers. Always have an experienced employment lawyer review the contract before finalizing it. While it is a practice that you must follow with diligence right now, employment contracts always need to be framed with care.

Contract Employees Will Continue To Claim Employee Entitlements

Hiring contract workers is a common practice for organizations in Canada, and there are legal rules that cover these employees as well. During 2020, things turned favorable for contract workers as they were given employee-like protections under the Canadian employment law. It happened because the Canadian employment standards rules were fine-tuned this year to give a broader definition of employees. Employers need to abide by these norms to steer clear of claims by these supposedly “no strings attached” contractual workers.

Things may sound confusing for Canadian business owners. But they cannot afford to go slack with the rules in the New Year. The best measure to keep your company on the right track is having a seasoned employment lawyer guiding you all the way.

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