Three Items You Need To Respond To A Fire Emergency

Three Items You Need To Respond To A Fire Emergency


Building fires occur more often than most people realise. Being prepared for a fire is what will separate you from life or death. This list of three emergency items that all office buildings should have is not exhaustive, but it should give you a good idea of what you need to consider stocking in your building, on every floor, in case of an emergency.

Fire hose and fire extinguisher on a wall
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Building fires occur more often than most people realise. Being prepared for a fire is what will separate you from life or death. This list of three emergency items that all office buildings should have is not exhaustive, but it should give you a good idea of what you need to consider stocking in your building, on every floor, in case of an emergency.

Breathing Apparatus

If there were ever a fire or other hazardous event at your workplace, you want to be able to quickly escape the building and breathe clean air away from the danger zone. However, if an escape route is not clear and you are trapped in the building, ensuring that emergency breathing apparatus is available is crucial! This will allow you to breathe in clean oxygen in these hazardous conditions until help arrives.

In addition, they are inexpensive and can provide protection against harmful substances that might be released into the air by smoke or chemicals during a disaster.

Fire Extinguisher

Having a fire extinguisher on hand in an office building can make all the difference in mitigating disaster. This is especially true during times of emergency, such as evacuations and power outages.

Fire extinguishers are specifically designed to put out small fires quickly while preventing them from growing into something larger or more dangerous. In addition, they are up to 99% successful at controlling blazes that they’re used against, making them an incredibly useful tool for any commercial space. However, you need to make sure you are doing regular fire extinguisher inspections to keep them in good condition.

The number-one rule when using a fire extinguisher is never getting too close to the fire yourself. Always try your best to stay at least ten feet away from the flames whenever possible.

Fire Blankets

Fire Blankets are an inexpensive way to avoid burns and out of control fires in commercial buildings if there is a disaster, such as a fire. You won’t have time to think once it is ablaze but knowing what you need and how it works can help minimise the damage and keep everyone safe until help arrives.

A fire blanket should be hung near any heat or cooking sources like microwaves, ovens, stoves, or other appliances that could spark up flames if not taken care of properly. Another recommendation is hanging one under your desk or at least having one nearby so that you know where they are in case of an emergency.

Fire blankets are pretty straightforward to use. You can use them to put out flames with no hassle or fuss. A small fire is easily smothered and goes out quickly; these include electrical fires. Fire blankets are made from non-flammable materials; usually, some sort of fibreglass mesh that doesn’t burn up like paper would. It just traps the heat until it dissipates naturally, usually within three minutes.

Fire blankets can also be used to cover your body if there is a hazardous blaze. Plus, there’s no risk of inhaling harmful chemicals when hiding away from the flames! Safety should be everyone’s top priority. Have an emergency plan in place at all times by including an evacuation route.

Wrapping Up

While many people do not give much consideration when in a building, it is vital to know where your nearest exit route is. If an emergency occurs, you will want to know where all the exits are located and have some sort of plan if you need to evacuate or find shelter within the building.

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