Things To Know Before Sponsoring Your Child In The UK

Things To Know Before Sponsoring Your Child In The UK


If you want to be a sponsor for your child, know that it won’t be as easy as you think it will be. If you want a reference, applying for a dependent visa will be more complex than a tourist visa or a working visa. Hence, you need to fully acquaint yourself with what it will take to sponsor in the UK before fully committing to the process.

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If you want to be a sponsor for your child, know that it won’t be as easy as you think it will be. If you want a reference, applying for a dependent visa will be more complex than a tourist visa or a working visa.

Hence, you need to fully acquaint yourself with what it will take to sponsor in the UK before fully committing to the process. Doing so will help you cover all the benefits that your child can claim, as well as have an idea of what they can and cannot do. Basically, this is directly tied to legal immigrant issues.

To help you with this topic, we have prepared all the things you need to know beforehand in the following sections.

Age Limit

Generally, you can only sponsor your child in the UK if they are under 18 years of age during application. If your child is already above this limit, then you should already look into other forms of sponsorship. This is because the process, requirements, and full eligibility will depend on whom you will sponsor.

Note that you shouldn’t even try to forge your child’s age to fit the limit since it can lead to a lot of issues with the law.


It’s not enough for the immigration office if you just prove that one is really your child to sponsor. There are certain qualifications that you and your daughter or son should meet to be considered eligible. To be specific, the child needs to belong in one of the following categories:

  • Both parents are already residing in the UK
  • Both parents are applying for entry clearance
  • One parent is living in the UK, and the other is applying for entry clearance

Conditionally, a child can also apply with one parent if:

  • The sole parent is the only one alive
  • The sole parent is the only one responsible for the child
  • The sole parent has a valid legal reason for being the child’s only guardian

Either one of the above conditions should be met for children with single parents.

Specific Application Process

When acquiring your sponsorship license, things will vary depending on who will sponsor and who will be sponsored. Hence, it’s just right that you consult a professional about the specific application process that you need to follow. This will help you save time and money in the long run. Not only that, but it will also prevent you from going through the wrong process only to be rejected in the end.

Required Fees

Of course, fees also play a significant part in whether you can continue your planned sponsorship or not. The exact amount of money needed will depend on what kind of visa you have. However, for those who are holding a Skilled Worker Visa, expect to have at least £258 of personal savings and £315 for the savings of your child. You will need to have £200 more for every dependent child that you plan on sponsoring.

Necessary Documents

Documents are important at the very first stage of the sponsorship application process. Here are some things that you need to prepare:

  • Valid Passport
  • Travel Documents
  • Bank Statements for Savings
  • Child’s Birth Certificate
  • Proof of Relationship between Sponsor and Dependent Child

Make sure to bring several copies if you plan on a face-to-face application, so you won’t have any problems if ever they ask for more copies of a certain document.

Allowed and Restricted Activities

The last thing that you want to happen is for you and your child to get caught up in legal issues in the UK. Hence, you should also know all of the allowed activities, as well as the restricted ones, so you will know what to avoid.

Generally, however, the dependent child is legally allowed to attend school, both private and public. You may want to consult a lawyer if you have questions about other activities, though.


Once you’re sure that you have mastered all the necessary details, including the ones above, you can feel free to proceed to sponsor your child in the UK. It’s better to go through this learning task instead of directly heading on to the process to avoid issues.

However, it’s fully understandable if you still have a lot of questions in mind about how to sponsor your child, how to make them an official dependent, and other relevant topics. In this case, you should consider availing of sponsorship assistance from professional legal experts. Doing so will not just allow you to go through the process smoothly but will also guarantee your peace of mind throughout.

Please note: The content of this article is not legal advice and is presented for information purposes only. Please contact a licenced professional in order to find out the proper requirements and regulation in your country.
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