The Best Excuses For When You Don’t Want To Socialize

The Best Excuses For When You Don’t Want To Socialize


So, how do you feel about socialising? Personally, I’ve never been a big fan of going out and I’m not going to lie, being able to use a certain “virus that shall not be named” as an excuse not to go out was such a weight off my shoulders. But, there’s only so many times you can use a young nephew or your Dad as an excuse not to meet up with your friends. So, what else can you use as an excuse?

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So, how do you feel about socialising?

Personally, I’ve never been a big fan of going out and I’m not going to lie, being able to use a certain “virus that shall not be named” as an excuse not to go out was such a weight off my shoulders.

But, there’s only so many times you can use a young nephew or your Dad as an excuse not to meet up with your friends.

So, what else can you use as an excuse?

Well Mashable has rated the best excuses using a scale where each excuse is rated out of 5 on the following elements: Plausibility, minimal collateral risk and karmic retribution.

So what are their top 3 excuses?

3. Stomach Issues

No one is going to query you if you say you had a dodgy takeaway the night before. And the great thing is that they’re not going to want to ask too many questions. However if you use this excuse too often they may try to refer you to a Gastroenterologist.

2. Migraine

I’m lucky enough not to suffer from migraines but my dad does so I know how debilitating they can be. While I’m not sure that I technically agree using something that can’t really be cured and affects millions of people I can see why it’s on the list – they can come on pretty quickly and there’s no way you can leave your house.

1. The Actual Truth

Well yes, I’m all for telling the truth but sometimes things are better off being sugar coated. After all, it’s better to tell a little white lie instead of insulting someone, isn’t it?

I’ll think I’ll stick to the “dodgy takeaway” excuses – and if any of my friends are reading this, all those times I said I had stomach problems was true, okay?!

What’s your favourite excuse that you’ve used? Let me know in the comments below.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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