The 5-Step Guide To Revamping And Modernizing Your Recruitment Process

The 5-Step Guide To Revamping And Modernizing Your Recruitment Process


If you haven’t been getting the right hits on job postings for your company, it may be time to upgrade your recruitment strategies. Developing a better recruitment process is crucial, since it affects the quantity as well as quality of applicants for any opening. Relying on traditional hiring strategies and methods is not good enough. You need to make sure these keep pace with the modern world, especially if you’re seeking younger talent for your startup or small business. Here’s how you can modernize your existing strategy to ease the hiring and recruitment process

The 5-Step Guide To Revamping And Modernizing Your Recruitment Process
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If you haven’t been getting the right hits on job postings for your company, it may be time to upgrade your recruitment strategies. Developing a better recruitment process is crucial, since it affects the quantity as well as quality of applicants for any opening.

Relying on traditional hiring strategies and methods is not good enough. You need to make sure these keep pace with the modern world, especially if you’re seeking younger talent for your startup or small business.

Here’s how you can modernize your existing strategy to ease the hiring and recruitment process:

1. Leverage Social Media for Hiring

Social media is no longer just social. Many people use it for networking, job searches, sharing company reviews, and more. Everyone’s using Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn these days, so you need an active presence on these sites if you want to get noticed!

Use these platforms to your advantage by posting and sharing job ads, sharing photos/videos of the workplace, announcing achievements, and researching candidate profiles.

2. Use Recruitment Software & Apps

An Applicant Tracking System or ATS helps you update and streamline your hiring workflow at minimal cost. Cloud-based ATS systems can be accessed by recruiters anytime and anywhere, reducing the time and effort required for managing your candidate pool.

This is the simplest way to upgrade your traditional recruitment process to a technologically advanced one, and improve hiring efficiency without a large investment.

3. Mobile-Optimize Your Company Pages

If computers were the big thing yesterday, mobile devices have taken their place today. Many potential candidates will be using a mobile phone or tablet to access your website, social media profile and recruitment ads.

If these are not optimized for mobile access, you lose out. Mobile technology and apps are revolutionizing the way we do everything, so make sure your pages work well on them.

4. Use Video Calls to Conduct Interviews

While discussing modern hiring tools, how can video calling be left out? You can conduct at least the first interview via Skype, Google Hangouts or other video calling programs, before scheduling face-to-face interviews with shortlisted candidates.

Video interviews can be conducted anywhere, saving time, improving efficiency and easing recruiter workloads. They’re also convenient for applicants, since they don’t need to travel.

5. Think about Candidates as Customers

Your entire recruitment process should be designed to make the candidate experience as positive as possible. Focus on treating job seekers and existing employees the same way you treat customers, because they’re equally important.

Higher levels of engagement and personalization help applicants feel valued, making them more likely to join you. It also boosts your company’s image in the job market.

Ultimately, chances are high that revamping your hiring process will help you find the right fit for your staffing needs. With companies competing with each other to attract and retain top talent, a modern recruitment strategy could give you the edge you need!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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Featured Image: Supplied by the author
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