October 18, 2024
Testing Your Hair Strength: What You Should Consider

Testing Your Hair Strength: What You Should Consider


Is your hair a bit rougher and frizzier these days? Is it not looking its best? Here’s how you can test your hair’s strength and address damaged hair.

Woman brushing her long brunette hair
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Most men and women are quite conscious with their hair. This isn’t a surprise when the hair is usually the first thing most people see when socializing with others.

Although most people think that it serves only an aesthetic purpose and impacts social interactions with others, it can protect the head from the elements. This is especially true for shielding the scalp and much of the body from harmful ultraviolet rays and becoming a cushion from injuries. But since the hair is usually the first thing most people see, they frequently expose it to various treatments and chemicals to fit society’s standards.

While there’s no problem in using treatments to make your hair look good and presentable for others, this can also cause problems to your hair’s strength in the long run. The use of strong chemicals can cause hair to become thinner, duller, and brittle. In some situations, this can lead to hair fall.


Right before you start dyeing your hair or bleaching it, it’s essential that you first consider your hair’s strength. So what are some ways of testing out your hair’s strength? What can you do to address damaged hair? Some critical questions regarding your hair will be answered, and you can keep it in good condition.

Testing Your Hair’s Strength

Before discussing some ways of addressing damaged hair, the strength of your hair should be determined. Fortunately, you don’t necessarily have to go to a medical professional to have your hair checked when there are relatively simple ways of testing your hair’s strength.

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Typically, your hair’s strength is divided into the following factors:


Hair can absorb and retain moisture, which can help ensure that it is healthy. However, damaged hair is usually more porous. This means that the outermost layer of the hair is raised, which can expose the cortex. If you’re planning on checking this part, you can use your fingers to check your strands. If your hair is rough and a bit more coarse than usual, then it might be porous.


One of the most critical factors that can affect your hair’s strength comes in the form of elasticity. To check, stretch yourstrand of hair. If it stretches past 30% of its length, then it’s healthy. But if your strand of hair breaks before it reaches the 50% mark, then there’s a chance that it’s damaged.

Hair Follicles

Hair follicles will play a key role in maintaining your hair’s strength. If you can manage it, pluck out a strand of hair as close to the roof as possible. If you see a bulb-shaped structure in the root of your hair, it’s healthy. However, if you see a flat structure, there’s a good chance that your hair is damaged.

Using Natural Remedies

One of the main ways of addressing damaged and weak hair is by replacing your synthetic products with more natural hair care products. Many natural ingredients can help nourish your hair, such as olive oil, aloe vera, and even apple cider.

Still, it’s important to consider products that are specifically designed for hair care in this situation. Fortunately, you won’t have to look elsewhere since a hair fall control shampoois specifically made to help individuals with damaged hair and help build strength. This shampoo is packed with vitamins and essential nutrients that can help pave the way towards natural hair growth.

Avoiding Stressful Situations

Another critical aspect that will usually have a significant impact on hair fall usually comes from stress. Studies have shown that the buildup of stress will usually lead to hair becoming weaker. The buildup of stress hormones will lead to hair follicles being forced into a resting phase. Although the results might not be abrupt, hair might fall off after a few months.

If this is the case, you might want to consider taking a break from work or simply placing a limit on your workload every time you feel stressed. Not only will this help regulate your stress levels, but this can help manage hair loss.

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Having a Healthy Diet

Another way of having healthy hair is by having a versatile and well-balanced diet. Most nutritionists would suggest leafy vegetables, salmon, and other types of fresh produce. Following the proper diet can improve the quality of your hair since it can get the nutrients it needs.

You can do a lot of things to your hair that can be damaging. In most cases, this can come in treatments and many other products, resulting in weak and dull hair. Before you start exposing it to a concoction of chemicals and treatments, it’s best that you first assess the strength of your hair and how well it can withstand damage.


You can keep your hair healthy and address the damage in various ways. Remember, everybody’s biology is unique, and what might work for others might not necessarily work for you. Still, testing your hair can help check for your hair’s elasticity and strength. Doing research and consulting a medical professional can help you in this situation.

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