Weekly Round-Up #62: Work Smarter Not Harder, Automate Your Life And You’ve Been Using Post-Its Wrong!

Weekly Round-Up 62 - Your's using Post-Its Wrong!
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, grab yourself a lot of coffee and a few snacks – there’s a lot to get through this week!

Make Custom Calendars Online – Custom Calendar Maker

Ruben contacted me and suggested that I take a look at his website that allows you to generate a variety of Calenadars for free online. If you’re looking for a flexible way to create calendars with images or download a variety of pre-defined templates then chek out Custom Calendar Maker.

Oh, and shameless self-promotion, if you’d like to print a pocket calendar linked to your Google Calendar check out my Free [Pocket Google Calendar Creator called FlipPlan]

13 automation apps and tools to streamline your whole life – Mashable

I’ve started to play with automation a bit recently. I’m not convinced that the whole “Internet Of Things” is the way to go – I don’t need my fridge to tell me when I need milk thanks, but automating certain tasks can help greatly.

The best thing I ever did was to buy a coffee machine with a timer on it (why it would need to be connected to the internet too I don’t know) and I’ve just started to use an Android app called Llama automatically turn my Wi-fi on or off if I enter or leave the house, and mute my phone when I get to work.

If you’re looking at getting into automation then this article is a good start.

We’ve Been Using Sticky Notes Wrong Our Entire Lives, So Here’s How To Do It Right – Bustle

Did you know that there’s a right and wrong way to use a post-it? Who knew!

Why Creating A To-Do List Is Derailing Your Success – Fast Company

Go on, admit it, you write a To-Do list at least once a week don’t you? Did you know though that according to Fast Company 41% of all to-do list items never get done?!

I know I’m terrible for moving items from one list to the next – and those that are a bit long-term go on my Someday/Maybe (or If I have the time) list but everything does get done – are they being a bit mean with their 41% claim? Are we all so bound by a to-do list that we never get anything done? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Decorating for Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type – Apartment Therapy

If you’ve taken a Myers-Briggs personality test in the past, you can now decorate your living space to match your needs!

I took a test 3 years in a row in 2006, 2007 and 2008 and as I was growing more confident my score changed, it’s now changed again – I’m classed as INTJ – as I’m more than happy to spend time with myself. Be aware that the test in the Article linked will cost you around $50 so I always use a Free Myers-Briggs Online Test which may not be 100% accurate but it’s better than shelling out cash!

Anyway, this article has ideas for all combination of personality types so check it out if you’re in the mood for a change at home!

My Top 15 Tips for Organizing the Paper Clutter – How Does She

As much as we’d all like to go paperless we still need to handle the paper items that come across our desks and through our doors. This post has a great round-up of ways you can organise all different types of papers.

12 Ways to Turn Your Crippling Stress into Happiness – Tiny Buddha

We all feel stress at some time or another in our lives, and there are many ways that we can deal with this stress and turn it to our advantage. I definitely agree with getting a pet, they’re great for relaxing you and and don’t talk back (too much) when you want to vent.

Four productivity tips to help you execute more effectively – Examiner.com

Making lists, using low tech solutions and asking for help – sounds simple but read on!

Have a great weekend

If you have any articles you’d like to share then please let us know about them in the comments!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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