9 Of The Mobile App Development Trends Will Help You Lead In 2019


Revenues from worldwide mobile apps has skyrocketed in the last few years. This is only expected to continue in the future as more and more people begin to use apps for more and more things. This is great news for app developers in the growing market, but it also means these developers are likely to have more competition than ever.

9 Of The Mobile App Development Trends Will Help You Lead In 2019
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Recently, mobile applications have seemingly taken over the world. There are millions of different mobile apps out there that do a wide range of different things. They help us communicate, help entertain us, help us organize our lives and so much more.

In addition to that, the revenues from worldwide mobile apps has skyrocketed in the last few years. This is only expected to continue in the future as more and more people begin to use apps for more and more things. This is great news for app developers in the growing market, but it also means these developers are likely to have more competition than ever.

As a result, developers want to be on top of their game and lead the market, not follow it. With that in mind, this article is going to look at 9 different mobile app development trends to help you in 2019 and beyond.

The Continuing Impact of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has been getting talked about for years, but we believe it is finally taking some big steps forward. A.I solutions are being used more and more in the development stages, on top of just being benefits to the end user. One of the biggest and most intriguing examples of A.I in the mobile world is with chatbots. Chatbots will now be integrated into many different apps, where they will work like virtual assistants.

Consumer Spending is Increasing

While many people simply use free mobile apps without paying a dime, this is becoming less and less normal. More people than ever aren’t afraid to spend money on their favorite apps. This could be spending for extra gear in a game, extra content in a workout app or simply paying for a “Pro” version. The point is, people are willing to spend in this space and this is only going to continue.

Data Privacy and Security is More Important Than Ever

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Because of the increase in data breaches and other cybersecurity risks, it is important that developers take security more important than ever before. If your app isn’t secure or safe, good luck getting anyone to use it. You need to be sure all the information and data your app collects and houses is secure. Thankfully, there are several different tools (including log management tools like Loggly.com) that can help you ensure your app is as secure as possible.

It also helps that the app development company that develops your app for you puts all the pieces in place to ensure that your app is secure. When looking for an app company make sure they are reputable, they have the credentials to back up their claims, and they have the history of doing a great job for previous clients. In your search look for app development companies like DreamWalk who have that history and reputation for being thorough when it comes to security. It’s best to put security as your top priority when choosing who develops your app.

More Companies Will be Looking to Advertise

It seems as if the mobile application market has caught up to markets like social media in terms of their status as markets ripe for advertising. Millions of people use mobile apps every day, and companies are looking for any way to advertise to them. As a result, there will be more incentive for developers to create high quality apps. Apps that provide value get a lot of users, and apps that get a lot of users are perfect for companies to advertise on.

More Apps for Wearables

With the success of things like the Apple Watch, Fitbits and other types of wearable devices, there is no question that the public is willing to pay for wearables. The market size for wearables is expect to grow to over 73 billion dollars by 2022. Now that wearables are here to stay, more and more developers will begin developing apps for them. Most apps for these devices has been related to health and fitness, but look for that to expand in the future.

The Rise of Instant Apps

While they have been around since 2016, 2019 might be the year that instant apps truly begin to take off. Instant apps are native applications that do not need to be downloaded to be used. They technically do get downloaded, but they work similar to a web browser, not a traditional installed or downloaded app. With users constantly wanting snappier applications, faster load times and smoother experiences, look for instant apps of all kinds to become more common.

Increased Use of the Cloud

Despite many thinking it is a premium service or tool, the Cloud will be everywhere in 2019. Using the cloud allows for companies to reduce hosting costs and achieve more secure storage. Many apps can even completely run on the Cloud in the modern day. Because of the increase adoption of the Cloud, expect to see more powerful apps than ever in 2019, that won’t require a ton of storage space. Using the cloud can also make development much more streamlined, as well.

On-Demand Apps are Here to Stay

Back in the day, the “on-demand” model for apps was expected to be nothing more than a fad. Many believe it was a bubble that was going to blow up at some point. However, those people are still waiting for it to happen. They might also be waiting for quite a while, as on-demand apps are here to stay. Apps like Uber, Postmates, TaskRabbit and many others have millions of users and many people rely on them daily.

More Usage for AR/VR

In the past, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) were normally just used for games. However, in 2019 and beyond, you will see them have use in a variety of other spaces. One of the biggest spaces they could see some value is advertising or branding, delivering ads like we have never seen before. We could also see AR/VR used to train in the healthcare field or help with production in the manufacturing space.

In conclusion, hopefully this article has been able to help you learn about the mobile app development trends that can help you lead in 2019.

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