Weekly Round-Up #217: Stop Comparing Yourself To Others, Sleep To Be Content And Losing Your Phone
In this week’s round-up we look at how you can stop comparing yourself to others, whether being a good sleeper makes you more content in your job and some interesting stats about people who lose their phones.

Welcome to a slightly delayed Weekly Round-Up this week. I’ve not been too well this week but I couldn’t break the 4 year chain now, could I?
In this week’s round-up we look at how you can stop comparing yourself to others, whether being a good sleeper makes you more content in your job and some interesting stats about people who lose their phones.
A Helpful Guide To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others – Becoming Minimalist
For some reason it seems to be in our human nature to compare ourselves to others – whether those comparisons are fair or not.
In this article Jeremy Burrows looks at the problems of comparing yourself to others and why it isn’t fair on yourself (or them).
Frankenlog – Bullet Journaling. Productivity. Madness. – Frankenlog
Frankenlog is a single Bullet Journal spread that serves as a monthly log, a weekly log, and a task list with up to 5 daily habit trackers and 5 weekly habit trackers.
There’s no need for a massive notebook or fancy artwork, this is a great functional layout that helps you organise your calendar and get stuff done.
Working From Home Makes You Happier And ‘Massively’ More Productive, According To Science – Inc
Science! It has to be right, doesn’t it? Well, in this case I think it is. Having worked in open plan offices most of my working life, when I have been given the opportunity to work from home I have always been so much more productive when away from an office and all of the distractions that come with it.
If you’re running an office and want to increase your worker’s productivity check out this Inc. article and perhaps you’ll consider flexible working as a good idea in the future.
I Regret To Admit That Switching To An Actual Alarm Clock Is A Good Move – Mashable
I don’t really have to set an alarm anymore thanks to working for myself, but I do find not having a clock in my room a bit disconcerting.
I’m usually pretty good at guessing the time, but if I want to check then I have to look at my mobile phone which can have all sorts of weird effects on my brain and sleep pattern. Maybe I need to take Chloe’s advice from this article and switch back to a proper clock.
Stop Telling Yourself These Time Management Lies – The Order Expert
Okay, I need to hold my hands up here and admit I lie to myself when I try to work out how long it’s going to take to get somewhere. I’m getting better better but this is just one example of the “”lies”” we can tell ourselves that can ruin our time management and productivity.
The Worry Trap: 10 Simple Ways To Break Free From Worrying Too Much – Be More With Less
The worry trap has had a hold on each of us at one time or another. Worry is the worst when it comes to emotional clutter. Like so many of the thoughts and emotions we experience, worry becomes a habit and then a trap. The worry trap keeps us in an endless loop of what ifs.
In this article, BeMoreWithLess looks a how you can get out of this habit of worrying and hopefully break the cycle.
Benefits Of Meditation For Golfers – The Fast Learners
You might think that golf is just for posh people but that’s no longer true. I used to play a lot of golf, but with my golf buddies moving away I’ve given all my equipment to my Dad and he loves it! Golf helps you get out in the fresh air, exercise and improve hand-eye coordination. The problem is that if you’re struggling with your shots, the stress you feel may outweigh any of the benefits so FastLearners has put together some tips for using meditation to help improve your golf game and reduce your stress levels.
Are Good Sleepers Content In Their Careers – Time4Sleep
Bad sleep affects our lives in a number of ways. Mentally, our moods, attitudes, and emotions are heavily influenced by how we’ve slept the night before. Physically, our concentration levels and reaction times can take a hit from a poor night’s rest.
The impact of this can be felt in many aspects of our lives, one of which is your profession. To further explore the relationship between sleep and work, time4sleep surveyed 2,000 UK residents about a variety of their sleeping habits and their well-being at work. They also asked a series of sleep experts the best sleeping habits to help you get a good night’s sleep.
Best UK Cities For Millennial Start-Ups – instantprint
Deciding where to set up your business is often a daunting decision. Location can have a huge influence on your success, impacting overhead costs, connectivity, accessibility and much, much more. – so it’s important you get it right. To help you decide where’s best to set up business if you’re a millennial entrepreneur, Instaprint analysed the UK’s 20 biggest cities based on costs, connectivity and other things important to the millennial generation.
Are You A Phone Loser? – Carphone Warehouse
I’m lucky enough (as of this date) to have never lost a phone – sure I’ve misplaced it but I’ve always managed to find it in the end. If you’re always leaving your phone somewhere, don’t worry! If it makes you feel any better, it’s not an exclusive club. In fact, 25,690 mobile devices were lost in London alone between April 2017 and April 2018.
Check out some more interesting facts about phone loss from the team at Carphone Warehouse.
Top 43 FAQs About Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) – The CPA Exam Guy
Okay, I know that accountancy isn’t the most exciting topic in the world but it’s all something we need to deal with – especially if you’re running your own business. This article is geared towards an American audience but it should give everyone a good grounding on a fair few financial terms we hear and read – and might persuade you to change careers too!
Lasagna Gardening: An Easy Way To Start Your Garden – Gardening Mentor
The title of this article intrigued me – possibly because I currently have a lasagne in the oven, and possibly because I’m looking for the easiest way to garden this spring – it was a lot of work over last year’s hot, hot summer in the UK!
If you want to get a great garden with minimum effort then this article will see you down the right garden path…. see what I did there?!
How To Disappear From The Internet… Completely – WD Storage
Can you completely disappear online? Well according to the 1995 Sandra Bullock film “The Net” all it takes is a few keystrokes and an entire life can be erased. How about almost 25 years later?
There are so many hoops to jump through just to deactivate a Facebook account, is it even possible? WD Storage think so!
5 Ways AI Can Boost B2B Marketing Automation – Market Inspector
We all want to make our lives as easy as possible – and we would all like to make money with as little input as possible and that’s where automation comes in.
In this article Market Inspector looks at how you can automate your marketing and drive sales with minimal input from your and your team.
Have A Great Weekend
I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.
Until next week, Stay Productive!