Weekly Round-Up #190: Back Up Your Gmail Account, Find Your Chronotype And Treat Your Pooch


This week we look at how to back your Gmail account up to your hard drive in case the worst happens; what a chronotype is and why it’s important and how you can treat your dog to a nice piece of cake!

Weekly Round-Up #190: Back Up Your Gmail Account, Find Your Chronotype And Treat Your Pooch
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you’ve had a fun and productive week. This week we look at how to back your Gmail account up to your hard drive in case the worst happens; what a chronotype is and why it’s important and how you can treat your dog to a nice piece of cake!

Eight Practical Ways To Change Your Self-Description – Becoming Minimalist

We all have ways that we define ourselves – whether we realise it or not. We might berate ourselves for being lazy, undisciplined or maybe we call ourselves closed-minded. What we call ourselves internally will shape how we act internally. In this article Joshua Becker looks at the dangers of these thoughts and how we can begin to change them into something more positive

How To Back Up Your Gmail Account To Your Hard Drive – MakeUseOf

Even though Google is a super-huge company, there is always the possibility (no matter how small) that they will fail. Servers go down, power goes out – there are a variety of possibilities. When Amazon Web Services went down a tonne of the Internet stopped working too so it is feasible. With that in mind, learn how to back up your Gmail account to your own hard drive for the ultimate peace of mind.

10 Tips To Improve Your Business And Work Life Balance – Small Business Trends

We all know that you need to grown your business in order to survive but you don’t want this to take up all of your time – small business owners need some time for themselves too!

6 Powerful Habits To Transform Your Business Finances – Krista Disckson

Sticking with small businessess, another thing you shouldn’t overlook is your finances. It’s important to think about your financial situation as it is growing your customer base. This guest article from Katie of The Lazy Source gives you some great ideas on what you need to track, why and how to track them.

Find Your Chronotype And Schedule Your Productivity – Zapier

You may not be convinced that a “morning person” or a “night owl” truly exist, but there is some scientific agreement that we have an internal clock that affects us differently and means that we have more energy to do things at certain times of the day. This article from Zapier goes through the basics of chronotypes and how to use yours to maximise your productivity.

If you’re interested in finding out more about your own chronotype I’d highly recommend taking Dr. Michael J. Breus’ (a.k.a The Sleep Doctor) The Power Of When Chronotype quiz or by getting his book “The Power Of When: Discover Your Chronotype (affiliate link).

The Benefits Of Cloud Communications For Small Businesses – Ring Central

If you want your small business to look bigger than it is, then you can take advantage of Cloud Communication Systems to give an added air of professionalism. Using the cloud you can have a virtual switchboard and answering service meaning that your calls get rooted to the right people no matter their location and you never miss a call again.

How To Fit Laminate Flooring Video – Direct Wood Flooring

This weekend is a bank holiday here in the UK which is usually a time for DIY so if you’re thinking of putting down some laminate flooring make sure you watch this video from Direct Wood Flooring so you can make a great job of it.

Business Presentation Design Cheat Sheet – Buffalo 7

If you need to put on a presentation and don’t want to fall into the usual trap of boring power points (firsly, please don’t use comic sans!) then these tips from Buffalo 7 will help you make a great impact and get your message across.

16 Common Household Pests And How To Get Rid Of ‘Em – Greatist

This is the time of year that we keep the windows open and this leads to all sorts of bugs getting in to the house. This article gives you some great advice on how best to keep the little critters out and what to do with them if they do make it in.

15 Dog Cake Recipes For Your Fur Baby – Personal Creations

A few weeks ago I shared an article on how to have the perfect road trip with your furry friends and the guys at Personal Creations though you’d like to treat your pooches to some cakes while they’re on the road. Regular readers will know I’m more of a cat person so if you have any cat treat recipes leave them in the comments below!

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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