Review: Who Does – Web based project management

Review: Who Does – Web based project management


Who Does is a web-based project management system that allows you to assign tasks and milestones to projects and assign them to team members. Okay, so nothing new there really, however watching the screencasts there are a few features that set it apart from other similar sites

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Update: It looks Like Who Does is no longer available

I recently received an email asking me to look into a new service called “Who Does2.0” (yes, it has 2.0 in the title and a funky URL but bear with me!)

Who Does is a web-based project management system that allows you to assign tasks and milestones to projects and assign them to team members. Okay, so nothing new there really, however watching the screencasts there are a few features that set it apart from other similar sites such as Back Pack (Note that BackPack is no longer maintained, check out some great alternative Online Project Management Systems here.

Who Does - Web Based Project Management

I use Back Pack at work to manage the various client projects we have across our team, and whilst it is good at managing information and keeping it all in the same place so you can find it (especially useful if someone’s off work and you need to figure out what they’ve been working on), I find the interface a bit clunky, old-school even in today’s world of AJAX enabled sites.

Adding and managing to-dos is a bit of a chore and when composing messages formatting them properly is difficult for someone who doesn’t know HTML, plus for the “little” guy there’s no free plan in Back Pack, prices start at $24/month (Approx

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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2 thoughts on “Review: Who Does – Web based project management

  1. “I’m a web developer learning about project management. I think tools like this can be a big help, especially as they get more complex and (as you mentioned with AJAX) user friendly.

    Looks like this review is a bit old and they have updated their interface some. And I love their tag line.”

  2. “For a project management tool based on GTD you might try out this web-based application:Gtdagenda.comYou can use it to manage your goals, projects and tasks, set next actions and contexts, use checklists, schedules and a calendar.A mobile version is available too.As with the last update, now Gtdagenda has full Someday/Maybe functionality, you can easily move your tasks and projects between “”Active””, “”Someday/Maybe”” and “”Archive””. This will clear your mind, and will boost your productivity.Hope you like it.”

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