Review: Docstoc – Document sharing website
Docstoc is an online file exchange/storage site that allows you to upload, share and request a variety of documents in a rage of file formats. The categories the currently cover are Legal, Business, Financial, Technology, Educational and Creative, with a variety of subcategories under each of these main headings.

I was looking through my RSS feeds the other day and I came across a reference to a website I hadn’t heard of before and after checking it out I thought it would be something of great use to my readers here. Apologies for not posting where I found out about this site but I can’t find it!
Docstoc – Find and Share Professional Documents
Docstoc is an online file exchange/storage site that allows you to upload, share and request a variety of documents in a rage of file formats.
The categories the currently cover are Legal, Business, Financial, Technology, Educational and Creative, with a variety of subcategories under each of these main headings.
Docstoc Homepage
There are hundreds of documents for you to browse through or search and the search results are surprisingly accurate and relevant.
The document listing shows the type of document, tags, category, “Uploader” and the number of views/downloads.
File List
In order to view/download a document you need to register but this is a really quick process and only takes a couple of minutes (if that).
Once you’ve registered you can then download the file to your local computer or preview it directly on the website (you need to have Flash installed in order for the preview to work)
File Preview
You can also embed documents from DocStoc directly in your website which is pretty cool although when embedding it here to show you it causes my Post to mess up (but that could just be my bad website coding!)
When you register, you get your own profile page which allows you to put up your personal details, link to your website etc:
The profile page also allows you to view your favourite documents, previous downloads etc.
All in all, Docstoc looks like a really promising service and I’ll definately be uploading a few of my own document templates soon.
Make sure you check it out – if you need something you’re bound to be able to find it here!