Returning To Work After An Injury: Tips To Make It Easier

Returning To Work After An Injury: Tips To Make It Easier


Returning to work after illness or injury can be difficult, regardless of your job role or the reason for your absence. There could be a variety of reasons why you are hesitant to return to the workplace. You may feel intimidated or overwhelmed, or as if you have missed out on a lot while away.

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Returning to work after illness or injury can be difficult, regardless of your job role or the reason for your absence. There could be a variety of reasons why you are hesitant to return to the workplace. You may feel intimidated or overwhelmed, or as if you have missed out on a lot while away.

Even if you are feeling well enough to go back to work, you may be dealing with mental health issues or continuing pain. All of these factors can make reintegrating yourself into the workplace much more difficult. To make the process a little easier, here are a few pointers and guidelines you can use to make the experience as stress-free and comfortable as possible.

Keep In Touch With Your Work Colleagues

Staying in touch with your colleagues while you are away is one of the best ways to ensure that returning to work does not feel too daunting. A quick call once every couple of weeks will ensure that you are not totally in the dark, whether professionally or socially, and will assist you in staying on top of what is going on in the workplace.

As a result, when you return, there will be less for you to take in, and you will not feel as disconnected from the environment. If you don’t feel well enough to call, you can send a private message via email instead.

See If Your Workplace Can Give You Additional Support

Many employers offer some form of work capability assessment before or on your return to work. If they don’t, ask them to. This will provide you with confirmation that you are fit to return to work, as well as peace of mind that you will be supported throughout the process.

Other companies may offer vocational rehabilitation and again, this is something to jump and grab with two hands if offered as it is can be hugely beneficial.

Ask About A Phased Return

If you are feeling particularly stressed or anxious about returning to work, you could always consider a phased return to work, which can help to slowly get you back into it. Returning part-time, for example, will allow you to rest and recover when necessary, and gradually ease back into the work routine without overworking or putting yourself under undue stress.

Make Sure That You Are Taking Care Of Yourself

Participating in some well-being activities, such as yoga, light jogging, and healthy eating, is a great way to relieve stress and ensure that you are physically and mentally prepared for your return to work. This will ensure that your body has everything it needs to function properly and that your mind is not overworked when you return. Of course, this should only be done with the guidance of your doctor or physician.

Following these tips should make it much easier for you to return to work. Remember to be as honest and transparent as possible if your manager inquires about your time off.

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