Weekly Round-Up #181: Is Your City Smart? 40 Year Olds Should Work Less And What You Can Learn From Retail
This week we look at what cities are adopting smart technology, some interesting research that recommends the over forties should work 3 days a week to achieve maxiumum productivity and how you can learn important business lessons even from the lowest rungs of the retail ladder.

Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you’ve had a fulfulling and productive week. This week we look at what cities are adopting smart technology, some interesting research that recommends the over forties should work 3 days a week to achieve maxiumum productivity and how you can learn important business lessons even from the lowest rungs of the retail ladder.
The Smart City Index – Ecardshack
Smart city technology ranges from traffic lights with AI to a linked medical records system. While the adoption of smart city tech is slow, it can gave huge benefits both for the population’s welfare and costs in general. See how your capital city rates in Ecardshack’s infographic.
Global Success Means Being Local Everywhere, All The Time – RingCentral
You can’t run a global business by just operating on a 9 to 5 schedule in your own timezone. RingCentral looks at the importance of being able to operate across the globe and how you can achieve it.
The Richest World Leaders – Money-Pod
How rich is the leader of your country? How does Trump compare to Putin? No, it’s not fake news! It’s a fascinating map from Money-Pod showing which leader has the most money.
How To Copy And Paste Multiple Items At Once – Zapier
Copying and pasting is one of those annoying but necessary evils. Cut something out, get a bit carried away with the CTRL+C key and you’ve lost your text. Never lose anything again with one of the great clipboard managers reviewed by Zapier.
A Time-Management Expert Has A Ridiculously Simple Strategy To Feel Less Busy – Business Insider
We all feel as though we have to please everyone all of the time which leads to unnecessary stress and wasted time. Laura Vanderkam argues that most people won’t even notice if we lower our standards slightly – what do you think? Le me know in the comments.
There’s A Link Between Too Much Clutter And Depression – Simplemost
My house seems to have two states: palatially clean or pig sty. I’ve been having a bit of a declutter of clothes that I don’t wear anymore and I have to admit the cleaning process did make me feel a mild form of euphoria. It was interesting to read then about the direct link between having rubbish laying around and feeling depressed – guess I’d best continue decluttering!
Research Says A 3-Day Work Week May Be Best For Those Over 40 Years Old – Simplemost
I knew there was an advantage to turning 40! Sticking with Simplemost, they have another interesting article on cutting the number of work days for forty year olds and still keeping them productive, if not more so.
9 Tools To Increase Productivity And Focus – Go Burrows
Our first entry this week from Jeremy Burrows looks at 9 apps you can use to focus in on the task at hand and maintain your productivity. There’s an interesting app that will help you extend the functionality of Gmail (although some of the features are replicated for free in the new Gmail) and I love the sound of the genius scan app for digitising all of your paper notes.
What Pushing Carts At Walmart Taught Me About Company Culture – Go Burrows
Having worked in retail on and off for 25 years, I can say you certainly see the best and worst of people! In these large organisations employees that are further down the chain are often ignored or overlooked so Jeremy was very lucky with the outcome of his story!
Continuous Script Penmanship Practice Worksheets – Page Flutter
I used to have the most neat handwriting and now its just a scrawl that i can barely read myself! I’ve been meaning to practice my penmanship and this template is just the thing I need to get started.
Text From Your Computer With This New Android Feature, Rolling Out Now – How-To Geek
Why use a tiny little keyboard on your phone when you type an epic response using your computer? If you want to know how, How-To Geek will show you.
15 Apps That Help You Wake Up In The Morning – Productivity Theory
So, I still hate mornings but I’m able to wake up a little easier thanks to APP but if you’re looking for a more robust solution Kayla Matthews has a run down of 15 apps that are bound to get you out of bed.
Meditation For Beginners: How To Meditate Deeply And Quickly – Lifehack
If you’re feeling stressed then meditation is a great way to relax and calm your mind. It can be difficult to know where to start though so Lifehack takes you back to basics so you’ll be super-chilled in no time!
Have A Great Weekend
I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.
Until next week, Stay Productive!