February 22, 2025

Top 5 Ways Software Can Improve The Employee Work Experience


To create an amazing employee work experience, it’s important to treat your employees the way you treat valued customers. You can empathize with your employees, understanding their expectations, needs, desires, and feelings, just as you do for your customers. It doesn’t have to be hard work though, software can take some of the strain and in this article we look how you can leverage technology to help your employees.

Top 5 Ways Software Can Improve The Employee Work Experience
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To create an amazing employee work experience, it’s important to treat your employees the way you treat valued customers. You can empathize with your employees, understanding their expectations, needs, desires, and feelings, just as you do for your customers.

You can put discipline and focus into creating experiences that employees really value. That’ll give them the right kind of environment to do their best work, which will help them give better experiences to your customers in turn.

Pain Points for Employees

Often, giving a person a great experience means solving a problem for him or her. What problems do employees need to be solved in the workplace?

Here are a few common ones:

  • Lack of communication on important issues, leading to rumors and uncertainty
  • Not receiving a clear career progression plan (which tells employees that their employer isn’t investing in their future)
  • Employers assuming what benefits employees value without asking them
  • Employees working on tasks they’re not suited for
  • Employees feeling too isolated from each other
  • Managers forgetting important details that affect employees because of a lack of organization or because of poor procedures

Software Solutions

For some of the preceding pain points, software solutions can improve employees’ experiences. How?

Here are five examples:

Knowledge Management Software

You can use knowledge management software to share educational content with your employees, both to help them grow professionally and to allow them to access “how to” information they need to perform their jobs. This saves them time and frustration and can increase their productivity.

This type of software can also suggest educational content that helps them advance in their careers, earn necessary certifications, and build their mental muscles. If you encourage them to grow through the use of software like Udemy, you’ll show that you’re investing in them for the long-term.

Electronic Checklists

Some major companies use electronic checklists for a variety of work tasks. You can implement them, for example, to remind managers to discuss certain points with their direct reports, such as their list of responsibilities when they’re first hired.

When people are always improvising on complex tasks, they can miss crucial steps without even realizing it. That especially hurts employees when managers forget tasks that their employees counted on and needed to be done. Checklists can decrease that problem.

Career Mobility Platforms

Around 51% of employees in a 2015 panel were already looking for a different job. A career mobility platform can show employees how to have a future at your company, instead of looking somewhere else.

Your platform can allow employees to electronically try out other job positions and skills. You may already use good software for recruiting, so why not use good software to retain employees as well?

Collaboration Tools

Most people naturally enjoy being part of a mission larger than themselves, but sometimes employees can’t physically work together. Good collaboration tools like Slack and Google can bridge that separation; however, your leadership and culture around these tools must show how valued they are.

To be most effective, collaboration tools can’t be just interesting options. The more employees you have using them, the more all of them can benefit through network effects.

Software to Gather Feedback

Whatever tools you implement, it’s crucial that you gather feedback from employees about how much the tools are helping. It’s vital that you use any good suggestions employees give in their feedback, which will encourage them to give even more honest feedback. Officevibe and TINYpulse are examples of good software for gathering feedback

Your goal is to treat employees like valued customers—to solve their problems and improve their lives. Software tools can really help because they can be rolled out on a large scale and are available on multiple devices. What other software have you found to help improve the employee experience?

About The Author
Annabelle Smyth is a freelance writer located in Salt Lake City, Utah. She enjoys writing about leadership, HR, and employee engagement. She has most recently worked with DocInfusion. When not writing and educating herself, you can find her hiking the canyons with her dog and friends.
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