Weekly Round-Up #7 – Email Management, I’m late as usual and no Nap time for Katy

Weekly Round-Up #7 – Email Management, I’m late as usual and no Nap time for Katy


Well, I hope you all managed to survive Friday the 13th…. only 2 more to go this year (which fortunately means we won’t have 3 in one year again until 2026) and a happy Valentine’s Day to you all (but in a platonic way, okay?)

Weekly Round-Up - Cowboy Lassoing Text
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Well, I hope you all managed to survive Friday the 13th…. only 2 more to go this year (which fortunately means we won’t have 3 in one year again until 2026) and a happy Valentine’s Day to you all (but in a platonic way, okay?)

This month on my main posts I’m revisiting the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (affiliate link) by Stephen Covey. It’s one of the most popular series of posts on my blog and as a result I thought I’d retake a look at what the habits are and what they mean 6 years after I first read the book. You can take a look at the original series from 2006 here and the new 2015 series here.

Also, if you haven’t signed up to my newsletter yet, please do so. Not only will you receive a copy of my free e-book “Managing Meetings”, you’ll also get exclusive access to my next e-book about managing email. And, if that wasn’t enough to entice you, I’ll be giving away some free books and other awesome things too!

Anyway, now we’ve gotten the self-promotion out of the way on to the Weekly Round-Up!

Productivity Quest: Email – Jessica Hische

Staying with email, here are a few tips from Jessica Hische on how to manage email. Some of these ideas are really good – especially the “no wi-fi” rule, but I still draw the line at having to declare email bankruptcy – that’s a true last resort.

The importance of being on time (and why we often run late) – The Next Web

If you know me by now, you’ll know that I’m always late. I’ll be late for my own funeral. Being on time is a very important thing, not only from a politeness standpoint but also from a personal happiness point of view as well. Since revisiting the 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People I’ve started working on my tardiness . This article has given me some really good reasons to start looking at my time keeping.

See also
Avoid Being Late for Meetings by Scheduling Your Time Backwards
5 Simple Strategies for Being on Time

7 Powerful Things Successful People Do At The End Of Each Day – Lifehack

Everyone seems to be stuck up on how successful people start their morinings at the moment (i.e, no caffine just kale juice, don’t check your email before 10am etc.) but no-one seems to consider what to do as our day finishes. These tips can help you be more effective at getting stuff sorted for the following day and also help you switch off.

The Secrets Of Highly Efficient Napping – i09

Oh, how I wish I could nap! I’d love to be able to revive my flagging brain at 3pm when the coffee just isn’t cutting it and it’s not quite bed time. However if I sleep, I sleep! Anfternoon “nap” would last at least 4 hours.

This article gives some great tips if you’re one of those lucky enough to be abe to nap I just wish they’d given a few more tips on how to learn to nap though!

How to make the ultimate to-do list – Laura Vanderkam

I wouldn’t call this an “ultimate” to-do list by any means but there are a couple of good points in this article about categorising, prioritising and re-writing that may be worth a quick read.

How To Create The Last Perfect Time Management System You’ll Ever Use – Make Use Of

Following on from our “Ultimate To-Do List”, Make Use Of has their own interpretation on a “Perfect” time management system – and I tell you what, it comes close. It’s somewhat overly complicated but then again it does cover almost every eventuality (and almost every medium be it paper, spreadsheet or otherwise!).

10 Simple Productivity Tips for Organizing Your Work Life – Entrepreneur

This article starts off with “Time and Space” but it’s not about Dr Who or Star Trek! There are some resonable tips in this article (cut meeting times by 25% – yes please!) and it makes a good refresher if you’ve already read some of them.

4 common productivity tips that are actually the worst – Mashable

Finally, sometimes all of these productivity blogs can give us some bad ideas, here Mashable calls out the 4 worst ones they can think of (I can think of more – perhaps that’s a post for next month?)

Over to You

I hope you all have a great weekend. If you have a spare 5 minutes, please comment on what the worst productivity tip you’ve been given/read is…. let’s see how weird and funny we can get!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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