Weekly Round-Up #272: Christmas Time, Mistletoe & Wine


This week’s round-up takes on a bit of a festive feel as we’ve put together a list of all of the Christmas-related articles here on FlippingHeck.com. So whether you’re looking for a last minute gift, some quick and easy holiday recipes or how to avoid arguments with relatives, we’ve got you covered.

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Welcome to this week’s round up, I hope you’ve had a fun and productive week.

This week’s round-up takes on a bit of a festive feel as we’ve put together a list of all of the Christmas-related articles here on FlippingHeck.com. So whether you’re looking for a last minute gift, some quick and easy holiday recipes or how to avoid arguments with relatives, we’ve got you covered.

Best Tips On Being Creative And Productive During WinterCreatopy

The wintertime brings social jetlag, says chronobiologist Till Roenneberg. This means our internal clock is not in sync with the 9-5 working schedule. An ideal situation would be to start your daily work schedule later and go to sleep earlier. But with so much stuff going on in the workplace to get everything done before Christmas, this may not be a solution for everyone. So what can you do to keep up with the winter blues? Creatopy brings together 11 experts to give you some great advice on how to be productive over the dark winter months.

21+ Jolly Christmas Spending Statistics – Balancing Everything

About 90% of Americans celebrate Christmas every year. Marking the date, however, goes beyond coming together and enjoying the company of your friends and family. In fact, the latest Christmas spending statistics show that Americans and Christians worldwide spend billions on gifts, decorations, and food. Every year, millions of real Christmas trees and over a billion greeting cards are bought for the holiday. Christmas is impressive in many ways, shopping included, and Balance Everything have all the stats to prove it. Read on and see for yourself.

Tips To Sleep Well This Festive Season – People Who Sleep UK

Are you starting to feel the festive season frazzle? What should be a time of celebration, happiness and gratitude, in 2020, Christmas is feeling a little more stressful than usual. This heightened stress you’re feeling is likely intertwined with anxiety and less-than-healthy coping mechanisms that, you guessed, are taking a toll on your sleep.

Prioritising rest during this time is vital in seeing in the new (and improved, fingers crossed) year feeling rejuvenated. This article takes a look at ways you can incorporate sleep into your festive season survival kit to make it through to the other side with a fresh face.

Weekly Round-Up #271: Christmas Gifts For Productivity Lovers – Flipping Heck!

In this article we’ll cover everything from coffee to showers at a variety of price points so you’re bound to find a suitable gift for even the most difficult person to buy for!

7 Stress Relief Christmas Gifts For Overworked People – Flipping Heck!

If you are not one, you definitely know some overworked people looking forward to the holidays. It is not easy in today’s competitive job market to stay on top, and stress just keeps piling up. Finding the right stress relief method is key for survival and preservation of mental sanity.

How To Plan Your Finances For Christmas – Flipping Heck!

Christmas 2020 is set to be a very strange one. It’s still unclear just what we’ll be allowed to do. Recent comments from the government’s medical advisor on COVID suggest that we’ll be able to mix for a few days over the festive period – which might effectively mean that Christmas is on as normal.

But if you’re been in dire financial straits through 2020, then the prospect of spending big on the season might not be an especially tantalising one. Every year, millions of Brits spend more than they can really afford, and end up paying for it with thrift in January and February. Many people consider payday loan lenders to help spread the payments out over a number of months rather than one upfront hefty payment!

If you’d like to get through Christmas this year without racking up a sizeable debt, then you’ll want to follow a few of the following money-saving tips.

This article will help you find that perfect Christmas gift for your friends or even yourself that will make the stress go away even for a little bit.

Five Tips To Be More Present This Christmas – Flipping Heck!

The problem is that we’re seemingly so tied to our phones that sometimes we don’t really pay attention to what is going on around us – and that’s not a good thing at this time of the year. Never fear though! I have a solution for you that will let you keep your phone on you, stop you worrying that you’re going to miss an important call and (more importantly) let you keep your focus on friends, family and loved ones this festive period.

In this article we give you 5 methods to help you manage your phone this Christmas and focus more on your family.

How To Stay Productive During The Christmas Season – Flipping Heck!

‘Tis the season… to be Productive?

Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but it’s also one during which it becomes increasingly difficult to remain on-task.

This is for a number of reasons, but principally because impending festive celebrations are generally far more exciting than work and with an entire year’s worth of hard graft behind you, fatigue quickly starts to set in.

Plan Your Christmas With These Great Tools – Flipping Heck!

December is almost upon us so it’s time to start thinking about getting organised. There a presents to buy, decorations to haul down from the attic and the all important Christmas Cake to bake – with everything we need to get done it can seem a little overwhelming at times.”

10 Quick And Simple Christmas Recipes – Flipping Heck!

The party season is finally upon us!

Whilst not technically about productivity or motivation, it’s quite easy to get overwhelmed by all the recipes and information out there so I’ve picked a few simple ideas to bring festive cheer to your table.

Here are a few quick party foods that won’t take a huge amount of time or a great deal of skill to make.”=

It’s Time To Get Organised For Christmas – Flipping Heck!

So, the festive season is finally upon us – well, it must be as I’ve seen the Coca Cola advert on TV!

Christmas can be a daunting time for a variety of reasons but trying to stay on top of everything Christmas related (present buying, send cards, food shopping) as well as our everyday tasks can get a bit much.”=

How Can Students Earn Extra Money In The New Year? – Flipping Heck!

Most people long to know ways to make extra money to add to their income. People associate holidays with celebration but did you know it could provide you with an income generating opportunity to gain some extra cash? All you need is to sacrifice what could be your free time and end up earning an extra coin instead of spending. Students have a good chance at this earning since they have time and warm blood to do so. There are a variety of things to do to make extra money for students to do over the holidays and into the New Year.

How To Use The Winter Months To Boost Your Productivity – Flipping Heck!

The super-hot summer we’ve enjoyed this year in the UK is already becoming nothing more than a memory, and as the nights get longer and the mercury begins to fall, thoughts turn to winter productivity.

Cosy Up This Winter – Flipping Heck!

The wintery months are here and with them, the need to keep warm and be cosy. If your living room is anything like the above, chances are you will not need to do much to it for this to be a comfortable space where you can read, watch television and have guests over without having cold hands or feet. If it isn’t, then it’s time to start thinking of ways to make this key living space more habitable during the chilly months.

Five Key Tips For Maintaining Seasonal Office Productivity – Flipping Heck!

Christmas is a mixed blessing for businesses. On the one hand, there’s food, festivity, family, and the chance to finish up work for the year. On the other hand, many employees mentally finish up long before they’ve left for the holidays.

Yes, in all the excitement for the annual ritual of eating roast turkey, drinking a little too much alcohol, and revisiting decades of family resentments that should by all rights be long-buried, it’s easy for productivity to suffer. If this happens in your workplace, you’re certainly not alone.

But there are things you can do to stave off the seasonal slump, and they don’t involve cancelling Christmas. Here’s how you can drive productivity and get better results from your team.

7 Tips For Coping With Holiday Arguments – Flipping Heck!

It’s Christmas: a time for friends, family, too much food, booze and arguments.

Unfortunately it’s par for the course that old arguments will resurface, you sit in someone’s favourite chair, eaten all of the purple Quality Street or that drunken comment about Aunt Christie’s dress from 1998 will come back and haunt you.

Here are a few tips to (hopefully) help you get through the holiday period and minimise arguments.

Five Tips To Switch Off Over The Christmas Holidays – Flipping Heck!

You may only have a couple of days off, or you may be lucky and have a couple of weeks off over the festive period – however long you have it’s important to make the most of the time you have, try to switch off from work and enjoy some much needed family time,

In this article, there are 5 simple tips to help you make the most of your holidays.

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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