10 Killer Apps I can’t Live Without
I'm terrible when it comes to gizmos, gadgets, software, websites... if it comes along I'll try it! But, pretty soon they all fall by the wayside and I wonder what…
I'm terrible when it comes to gizmos, gadgets, software, websites... if it comes along I'll try it! But, pretty soon they all fall by the wayside and I wonder what…
Sony's quarterly profits plunged 94 per cent following fall-out from its exploding battery woes
It's not often that I write about myself personally; I guess I find it a little embarrassing. However I have recently been taking an inward look at myself (which is…
Why should you manage your manager? There have been several companies I’ve worked for in...
This is the 9th installment of my “Managing Web Projects” series. Apologies for the delay...
Before you being to plan your design, you should first consider whether it will be:...
Diigo is a not your usual social bookmarking site like del.icio.us or social commentary site like Reddit or Digg, they call it a "Social Annotation website". They have a toolbar that…
The Technical Requirements Specification (TRS - Also known as a Functional Requirements Specification) scopes out all aspects of the project, from what platforms the website will run on, whether users…
Darren Rowse at ProBlogger is running a group writing project called "If I had to start my blog again". I don't usually take part in these things but this one…
I'm not sure why people are writing a lot of minutes at the moment (or at least looking for information about it), perhaps it's to do with the fact that…
Now that you have written the Technical Requirements Specification you know the scope of the...
It seems that my two posts on "Writing Good Meeting Minutes" and "Writing Good Meeting Minutes Revisited" have been very popular (the first post is receiving the second highest amount…