Hide Desktop Distractions With Doodim
I thought I'd share a nifty little Mac program with you all that allows you to eliminate desktop distractions and helps you to focus on what you're working on. Doodim…
I thought I'd share a nifty little Mac program with you all that allows you to eliminate desktop distractions and helps you to focus on what you're working on. Doodim…
There is no blog! A blog has no inherent value; it's just a medium for conveying value from one person to others. There are no great blogs, only great bloggers.…
There's an article on the BBC website today stating that more than four in ten UK employees are considering quitting their job in the next year. That's a staggering amount…
I had an email from a reader recently (yes, I have at least one!) regarding my paper based system and how I deal with managing projects/actions in order to avoid…
Originally I started using the standard GMail web interface for managing my mail but I found the interface limiting (I'm a drag and drop kinda girl) so I when I…
Docstoc is an online file exchange/storage site that allows you to upload, share and request a variety of documents in a rage of file formats. The categories the currently cover…
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To-Do lists and project management tools are great when it comes to being productive, but if your office space is a mess then you've already lost the productivity battle!
There appears to be an unwritten punishment for leaving the office first or arriving last. This is classic long hours culture, with staff judged on how long they stay, not…
Consistently over the past 6 months or so, the same search terms keeps on coming up at the top of my stats. The subject? How to write meeting minutes. In…
We've not long migrated from Thunderbird to Entourage at work, which I was a bit hesitant about as I'm a big fan of Thunderbird and have used it quite successfully…
A little something to brighten your day!