7 Habits: Habit 4 – Think Win/Win
Habit 4 of Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is all about achieving a mutually acceptable compromise with the person you're dealing with so you both feel that…
Habit 4 of Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is all about achieving a mutually acceptable compromise with the person you're dealing with so you both feel that…
I've written before that I'm having issues with using Gmail over IMAP with Entourage and judging from the comments I'm not the only one (can't link to the commenter as…
There's an interesting post over at US News, written by Alison Green, called "10 ways to make your boss love you" and whilst it is written in a "Corporate Speak"…
Learn to save money with these simple tips from Bankaholic.com - and sorry, cutting out your daily Starbucks is on the list!
In the 7 Habits, the Public Victory Phase is were we take a look back at the first few habits that asked us to examine ourselves and then think about…
An article at CNN.com discusses the "10 best excuses for coming to work late": More than 27 percent of hiring managers say they are skeptical of employees' excuses for showing…
All offices have people who are annoying and don't refill the coffee pots - if you have one of these characters then perhaps you're in need of a Terry Tate.
Companies' principal worries about email use are that employees could be breaking financial disclosure or corporate governance rules, could be leaking intellectual property or trade secrets, could be leaking sensitive…
Companies need to understand that rewards and recognition do not necessarily mean cash (which in this troubled financial time they can little afford) it could be something simple as a…
Yep, you read correctly! Flipping Heck has been recognised by the Evan Carmichael blog as one of the Top 50 Productivity blogs of 2008 - yeay me!
Habit 3 looks at Covey's four quadrants of urgency. We may perceive things to be urgent but are they really? We can use some of the techniques in this post…
Studies indicate that people are more productive during the morning hours than at any other point during the day. It can be difficult for people unaccustomed to being wide awake…