Shock Horror! Obama May Lose Blackberry Privileges!
There's a lot of talk at the moment about Barack Obama having to ditch his Blackberry (read the full article "Say Goodbye to BlackBerry? If Obama Has to, Yes He…
There's a lot of talk at the moment about Barack Obama having to ditch his Blackberry (read the full article "Say Goodbye to BlackBerry? If Obama Has to, Yes He…
Tim Ferris has made millions off the back of his book "The Four Hour Work Week" but can the Four Hour Work Week really work? Find out my thoughts in…
I've written before about the need to be careful about what you send in an email at work but the story that I've seen in several UK national newspapers over…
You are a busy person, aren't you? And there's an easy way to track all things that have to be done... and to get those things done! iGTD takes some…
I read an article in The Daily Mail called "Email etiquette: What your response time reveals about your personality". From the Article by Liz Hull: It's usually considered polite when…
Did you know that multitasking isn't actually making you more productive - in fact it's doing the opposite! In this article I review Dave Crenshaw's book "The Myth Of Multitasking"
I've started to become a little annoyed with the sort of information tracking that Google and Facebook seem to be doing at the moment. Let me rant about it a…
I was contacted by DocStoc recently asking me to take a look at a new piece of software they've released called DocStoc Sync. I've written before about DocStoc but if…
Okay, a slightly strange topic - and tangent - for me I know bt I've been thinking about this for a while now (no wonder my head hurts!) and I…
Apple Mail has some great functionality that rivals the mighty Microsoft Entourage
Habit 7 is all about managing the lessons we learned in Habits 1 through 5 and how to ensure that we keep ourselves healthy and balanced.
There was no post from me yesterday as it was a Bank Holiday here in the UK, which got me to thinking - how do we fare in terms of…