Why Have Manufacturers Stopped Using Asbestos

Why Have Manufacturers Stopped Using Asbestos


Due to its high resistance to heat and excellent insulating characteristics, asbestos was once widely utilized in industrial production. Exposure to asbestos fibers, however, was later found to cause major health problems, such as lung cancer and mesothelioma. Since then, businesses worldwide have phased out the use of asbestos altogether. The effects of the manufacturing sector’s shift away from asbestos use and the factors that led to this shift are discussed in this article.

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Due to its high resistance to heat and excellent insulating characteristics, asbestos was once widely utilized in industrial production.

Exposure to asbestos fibers, however, was later found to cause major health problems, such as lung cancer and mesothelioma. Since then, businesses worldwide have phased out the use of asbestos altogether.

The effects of the manufacturing sector’s shift away from asbestos use and the factors that led to this shift are discussed in this article.

Asbestos Ban: Why It’s Been Stopped

Historically, many industry sectors used asbestos, a naturally occurring material. Over the past few decades, however, manufacturers have now phased out the use of asbestos for several reasons. This article will investigate the factors that have led to this change in production methods.

Asbestos’ Dangers to Human Health

Due to their small size, asbestos fibers can easily be dispersed into the air and inhaled. Lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis are just a few diseases linked to the inhalation of asbestos fibers. Diagnosing and treating asbestos-related health problems can be challenging since they often take years to begin showing symptoms.

Legal Obligations and Restrictions

In short, asbestos presents serious health risks. Thus, governments have enacted legislation to limit its usage. Asbestos use in manufacturing has been made more difficult as a result of these rules. And if an organization’s workers or customers became sick from asbestos exposure, manufacturers involved can be held legally responsible for a lot of money.

Olin Chemical Corp is just one example of the many companies that faced asbestos litigation liabilities. At the time, workers all over the world were being exposed to asbestos without fully understanding the risks it presented.

Possibility of Using Substitutes

Due to its resilience to heat, fire, and chemicals, asbestos saw extensive usage in industrial production. However, as the public learned more about the dangers of asbestos and restrictions limiting its usage came about, producers looked elsewhere for substitutes. There are now several substitutes for asbestos that provide the same functionality without posing a danger to human health.

Enhanced Public Understanding and Instruction

An important factor in the reduction of asbestos use in manufacturing is the increased awareness and education about the health concerns linked to asbestos. Governments and independent groups began to raise awareness as more evidence of asbestos’s harmful consequences became available. As people learned more about the dangers of asbestos, it became more difficult for companies to continue using the material.

Governments’ Function in Controlling Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos use in industrial production has been heavily regulated by governments worldwide. It’s important to examine the various regulatory efforts undertaken by different countries to curb asbestos usage in industrial settings.

Regulation of Asbestos: An Overview

Asbestos regulation refers to the rules and legislation governing how asbestos can be used, handled, and disposed of. This government involvement is meant to safeguard citizens and employees from the potentially fatal side effects of asbestos exposure.

The Function of Governmental Organizations

Some governmental organizations have a responsibility to enforce asbestos laws. The Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the World Health Organization are all examples of such organizations. These bodies keep a close eye on how often asbestos is used in production, and they make sure that the laws protecting people from asbestos exposure are upheld.

Regulation Enforcement Regarding Asbestos

Governments use a wide range of methods to ensure compliance with asbestos laws. Inspecting, issuing fines, and possibly going to court are all included. The government can verify that manufacturing companies are following rules by conducting inspections of their facilities and the goods they produce. Manufacturers that do not adhere to asbestos regulation risk facing legal repercussions.

Asbestos Ban Efforts Around The World

The ban on asbestos is not confined to any one country. Governments from all over the world have worked together to create global asbestos regulations. Asbestos is regulated during import and export by the Rotterdam Convention, an international treaty.

Innovations And Emerging Technologies For Improved Factory Safety

Although manufacturing has long played a significant role in the global economy, the industry is changing swiftly due to technological developments and a heightened focus on worker safety. Below, you’ll find some of the latest developments and technologies being developed to make industrial facilities safer places to work.

An Overview of Risk-Free Manufacturing

When you hear the term “safer production,” it means manufacturing things in a way that doesn’t compromise the health and safety of anyone involved. Safer manufacturing aims to lessen potential harm to workers, consumers, and the environment during production.

The Merits of Mixed Reality

Technologies like virtual reality and augmented reality are also being used to make factories safer places to work. These innovations facilitate the use of simulated complex procedures for the purpose of training staff. In addition, augmented reality can be used to alert workers of potential dangers and how to avoid them.

Modern Components

The manufacturing industry is also making strides toward creating new, environmentally friendly materials. Some producers, for instance, make use of biodegradable components that are harmless to the environment, while others create products that are less hazardous and simpler to work with.

Upkeep Prediction

Technology for predictive maintenance is also being developed to help make factories safer places to work. These systems utilize past data and sensors to monitor machinery and spot problems before they escalate. This makes the workplace safer by reducing the possibility of equipment failure or malfunction.


Concerns for workers and public safety were a major factor in manufacturers’ decision to phase out asbestos use. Even though shifting away from asbestos posed challenges for businesses, advances in new materials and technology have allowed them to keep turning out high-quality products without sacrificing safety or sustainability.

About The Author
Stephanie Caroline Snyder graduated from The University of Florida in 2018; she majored in Communications with a minor in Mass Media. Currently, she is an author and a freelance internet writer. She was born and raised in Panama City, Florida where her family still lives. The oldest of four children, Stephanie moved out to Utah to pursue her professional interests in early 2019 and has worked on content creation ever since.
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