Outsourcing: The Key To Working Smarter Instead Of Harder


65% of small businesses and 81% of medium-sized companies in the UK outsource some areas of their enterprise. The main rationale behind subcontracting some jobs is the insufficiency of internal expertise. Businesses prefer to contract experts in these areas for improved results, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Outsourcing also helps companies control capital costs and help them prioritise their core business. It levels the playing field so that even startups can compete with the giants. While outsourcing is not without its risks, entrepreneurs can be astute about it by applying the following techniques.

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65% of small businesses and 81% of medium-sized companies in the UK outsource some areas of their enterprise. The main rationale behind subcontracting some jobs is the insufficiency of internal expertise. Businesses prefer to contract experts in these areas for improved results, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Outsourcing also helps companies control capital costs and help them prioritise their core business. It levels the playing field so that even startups can compete with the giants. While outsourcing is not without its risks, entrepreneurs can be astute about it by applying the following techniques.

The Road To Success

Carefully consider which are the core competencies of the business. These are the elements that bring in the revenue and are best left in-house. Evaluate your business processes: the ones you or any of your staff don’t excel in are the best areas to outsource. For instance, a custom-design cake business would like to offer its customers an app on their website where they can order, alter, and track their cakes. The software needed for that app is best outsourced so the staff can focus on designing and baking cakes instead of figuring out how to make the app. Service providers have the expertise and are more efficient in giving you the results you need: just be sure to chose the right kind of development agency for your needs in order to get the type of software most suitable for your business.

Make sure that you have disclosed to your staff why you’re outsourcing. This eliminates HR issues in the future, especially if there’s a need for someone in the company to work with the third-party service provider. It bodes well for morale when everyone understands why there’s a need for the enterprise to outsource.

Before signing on the dotted line, evaluate the service provider. Make an assessment of their portfolios and samples to see if they complement your business culture and branding. Establish that terms for productivity, communication and costs are clear to both parties. Make certain that there are warranties or service/product support. There must also be a clear exit plan in case the partnership doesn’t work out or simply runs its course.

Happy Together

Once you’ve chosen a service provider, build the relationship, and make it a goal to work with them long-term. Frequent changes may cause upheavals, and it could mean loss of revenue. It would also be wise to have instruments in place to measure success and evaluate performance. These methods can help your business determine if the partnership with a third-party contractor remains beneficial.

Collaboration tools are beneficial so you can stay on top of things and maintain control of the company, as communication and feedback are integral to making the relationship truly work for your business. When there are issues or problems, make sure this is clearly conveyed to your service provider. Time is better spent finding solutions together instead of hoping that the contractor can read your mind.

Outsourcing can open the doors for your company to take advantage of exceptional talent in fields your enterprise is not an expert in. It’s an exceptional way to relieve your company of unnecessary stress, and leaves you to focus on the heart of your business.

About The Author
Katlyn Phelps is passionate about all things health and productivity. She's been published on numerous websites and regularly writes on wellness and productivity tips on FlippingHeck.com.
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