Get On Board The Tech Train

Get On Board The Tech Train


As your tech gets smarter, so should your business. Faster laptops, phones that just get smarter and faster and connectivity that makes your manufacturing floor work in even greater tandem with your sales team. Keeping up with that kind of technology is a challenge, in a landscape that changes on an almost daily basis. In this blog, we’re looking at three tech trends that look set to dominate that landscape over the next year to 18 months.

Get On Board The Tech Train
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For many of us, especially those who work for themselves, our productivity is closely linked to how our technology is working and how we interact with it. This scales up from the freelance copywriter using a laptop and phone to the small business making custom made parts such as ultrasonic liquid level sensors

As your tech gets smarter, so should your business. Faster laptops, phones that just get smarter and faster and connectivity that makes your manufacturing floor work in even greater tandem with your sales team.

Keeping up with that kind of technology is a challenge, in a landscape that changes on an almost daily basis. In this blog, we’re looking at three tech trends that look set to dominate that landscape over the next year to 18 months.

Artificial Intelligence

You probably interact with AI on a daily basis and barely pay it any attention. From chatting to customer bots online to adding suggestions from Amazon to your basket. Predicting and answering your needs are where the future of AI lies.

Get on board with harnessing this power for your business, leaving AI to lead your customers through to making a purchase or meeting their needs while you get on with other jobs.

Naturally we’ll also see AI making huge leaps in the manufacturing sector with greater autonomy to get on and build complicated machinery.


It feels like we’ve been waiting around forever to get 5G and while new mobile phones boast that they are 5G ready, we haven’t seen much roll out across the world. This is all set to change in the next year with tech experts predicting it reaching all shores by the end of 2021.

Make sure your business is 5G ready. This tech will not only create insanely fast download speeds it will also allow for drone delivery to get one step closer and for the advancement of tech such as driverless cars to progress.

Dumber to Smarter

While you can look at who’s at your door thanks to the link between your phone and doorbell, only your phone and smart speakers might be classified as smart. While your doorbell can send data, it can’t yet receive it, making it vulnerable to hacking and leaving your network open to attack.

Google Home Mini

Image from Pexels: CC0 licence

But with the advent of smarter tech on the horizon, even your light bulbs will be able to receive data that allows them to download antivirus protection, keeping anything they’re connected to much safer.

Smarter tech is just around the corner and businesses, from small to large, are going to need to work hard to keep up with it all. Choose tech that directly benefits you, from 5G that allows your online services to work faster to cyber proofing your business and your home networks.

Artificial intelligence is only going to get smarter, so jump on board and embrace the latest trends in technology and keep your business up to date and at the forefront of what’s going on.

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