The Lesser Known Benefits Of Yoga On Our Health

The Lesser Known Benefits Of Yoga On Our Health


You might think that yoga is just for stretching out your tired muscles, but did you know that it can have an even bigger impact on your health? Let’s take a look at some of the surprising benefits.

A woman sitting on a rock by a stream meditating
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We’re all aware of the amazing benefits that yoga can have on our bodies and lifestyles. No matter what level you’re at with your yoga poses, whether you’re perfecting your downward dog or looking to achieve the scorpion, if you’re regularly practising yoga, then you’ll no doubt be feeling better overall.

But, there are a whole host of lesser-known benefits that yoga can have on your health. This is particularly true for those who have a chronic health condition, are going through an illness or are in recovery from surgery. Yoga, when done regularly, can become an integral part of your life and overall wellness journey.

Glowing Skin

Yoga requires you to bend and twist your body into positions that it isn’t used to, particularly so if you have an office job and spend long periods sitting at a desk.

Doing these yoga moves allows your blood to flow freely in ways that it is normally restricted and this allows more oxygen to flow through your body, which can help to eliminate toxin buildup and clear your pores, then leaving you with glowing and clear skin.

As well as this, regular yoga sessions help to reduce stress levels and this can also have a positive effect on your skin, reducing wrinkles, breakouts and dry skin.

Improve Your Focus

There are very few of us who have long-lasting focus. With technology and jobs impacting our concentration levels, taking up yoga can help to combat this.

Yoga is not just a physical workout, but is a mental one, too. When doing yoga poses, you’re required to concentrate to hold to pose for as long as possible. As well as this, it’s common knowledge that when you train a muscle group it will become stronger, with the same approach applying to your mind.

With regular yoga sessions, you will notice that your concentration levels improve, alongside your physical fitness.

Give Your Oral Health A Boost

Surprisingly, there are many different ways that yoga can improve your oral health. Yoga has long been practised with a focus on the combination of breathing techniques and postures which help to realign your body.

As unusual as it might sound, breathing correctly during exercise can help to increase saliva production, which prevents a dry mouth. Saliva is hugely important for your oral health as it can reduce the levels of harmful bacteria in your mouth, which then lessens the risk of developing cavities that might mean a visit to your local dentist in Leamington Spa.

Get A Better Night’s Sleep

It’s no secret that a yoga session can help you to feel more relaxed, but if you take some of the techniques used in your class and practice them throughout your day-to-day life, you might find that you get a better quality of sleep.

Things such as deep breathing and focus can encourage a deeper sleep as they allow the body to relax and switch off. We all know that a lack of sleep promotes things such as irritability, lack of concentration and increased appetite levels, but it can also contribute to more serious health risks, such as diabetes and heart disease.

By taking just 8 minutes a day to focus on yoga breathing techniques, you can help combat such health risks. This type of breathing promotes restoration and deep focus techniques, which help to relieve tension within the body and help your body to enter a restorative state, which can lead to a better night’s sleep.

About The Author
Amy Jones is a freelance writer specialising in investment tips and current financial market affairs. She enjoys documenting her experiences and relevant changes in the economic and digital word that will benefit her readers in their own lives.
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