October 18, 2024
The Top Branding Trends For 2023

The Top Branding Trends For 2023


Having a brand that remains the same throughout your business success can actually hinder progress and kill a brand. Your brand should always be reflecting what your business is all about. Times change and consumer and industry trends are continuously changing and this is why your branding needs to keep up with this to meet your audience’s attention. In this article, we will go through some of the top branding trends for 2023 for your brand to consider to evolve.

Branding strategy notes on a clipboard
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A brand for your business is going to be something that evolves as you grow so must be treated with respect. As your business grows, so will your brand change and evolve into an identity that encompasses your business.

Having a brand that remains the same throughout your business success can actually hinder progress and kill a brand. Your brand should always be reflecting what your business is all about.

Times change and consumer and industry trends are continuously changing and this is why your branding needs to keep up with this to meet your audience’s attention. In this article, we will go through some of the top branding trends for 2023 for your brand to consider to evolve.


Animated Logos

Animated logos have been the rave for a while now, but nobody is biting the bullet and committing, apart from a few such as Air BnB and of course Google with its moving dots.

Animated Google Android Dots Logo

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Image Source: Tenor

A static logo is great for print, but everything is digital now and so should your logo. Being able to animate your logo will ensure that you grab the attention of your potential audience, and a moving logo will definitely do that. It also offers much more insight into your business and gives you an opportunity to extend what you are trying to portray with your brand.

Overstimulating Branding

Oversaturated image of a car badge

Image Source: Ruvim on Pexels.com

There are two polar opposite forms of branding that are trending in 2023, One is simple minimalist branding, and the other is bold and overstimulating branding.

People always say that less is more, but with more people than ever preferring to be more maximalist, this isn’t true for many. This trend is unapologetically bold and catches the attention of everyone.

This is especially great if your competitors are pretty minimal and don’t have much design to their branding. If you are looking to stand out, then overstimulating branding is certainly going to be an option for you.

Master Minimalism

Minimalist Starbucks logo on a green cup

Image Source: Erik Mclean on Pexels.com

The polar opposite of overstimulating branding is minimalist branding and this type of branding is definitely a classic and trendy form of branding that will never go out of style.

With some of the biggest fashion houses turning to this form of branding, it shows that this is going to be a style that is constantly used. The great thing about minimalist branding is that you can adapt and evolve as you grow.

When it comes to complicated branding, it is much harder to do this as you already have too much going on. When it comes to minimalist branding you can add or remove elements as your business grows and evolves.

Embrace An Era

Old rusted Austin car badge

Image Source: Baptiste on Pexels.com

This trend has been popping up here and there for a while now, and it is definitely a trend that is going to be seen a lot in 2023.

When we talk about embracing an era, it’s about creating a brand that takes the audience back to a time from the past. This could be any time, from the 50s, 80s and recently, everything has been embracing the 00s, the 90s and the 20s.

This form of branding is great for creating emotion and bringing a form of nostalgia which has been proven to cause happy emotions which then lead to more conversions.

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Person looking at photos on a laptop screen

Image Source: Antoni Shkraba on Pexels.com

There are many branding trends to follow in 2023, but it is important to think of your product or service and make your own decisions. If you are struggling with coming up with something unique, then speaking to a design agency Leeds based will help to give you a brand identity that sets you apart from the crowd.

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