Weekly Round-Up #78: You Don’t Have To Feel Overwhelmed, Getting Along With People You Don’t Like And Wake Up & Smell The Coffee!


This week we take a look at how to get along with people you can’t stand, how you can be more productive by doing something unexpected and why the standard 8 hour workday just doesn’t work

Weekly Round-Up #78: You Don’t Have To Feel Overwhelmed, Getting Along With People You Don’t Like And Wake Up & Smell The Coffee!
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Hello and welcome to this week’s round-up. I hope you enjoy the articles I’ve selected this week where we take a look at why the 8 hour work week doesn’t work, how to sort your tasks out and why there’s no excuse not to take an online course.


Why The 8-Hour Workday Doesn’t Work – Forbes

I’ve been thinking about this for a while now that I don’t work in an office any more. I seem to be more productive working on a 4 hour shift than I do an 8 hour one. Maybe it’s because on a four hour shift I know I have a finite amount of time to get work done whilst with an 8 hour shift you feel like you have loads of time to get everything done so procrastinate a lot more. Add in to that the 8 hour day is really at odd with modern lifestyles and ways of working maybe it’s time for firms to have a rethink.

The One Habit That Guarantees You A More Balanced Life – Fast Company

We all know how to make a To-Do list… or do we? In this article Laura Vanderkam takes a look at a really simple way to up your to-do list game and make yourself even more productive than before and add balance to your life.

How to Make a To-Do List to Power up Your Productivity – Business2Community

Once you’ve followed Laura Vanderkam’s advice you’ll need to know how to organise your tasks and this post from Business2Community covers some interesting software to help you do just that.

45 free online classes you can take (and finish) by the end of this year – The Daily Muse On Mashable

From programming to law there’s a course for everyone on this list and some of them are as short as an hour so there’s no excuse that you don’t have enough time!

Happy Planner Freebie – Harry Potter Daily Insert – Belle Of My Own Ball

You may have realised I’m a bit of a Harry Potter fan after I released my Harry Potter Planner Cover & Dashboard. Now you can have your very own Harry Potter themed daily inserts too!

All About Wellness: 5 Steps That Will Make Your Company More Productive – Entrepreneur

We all know that a healthy workforce is a happy workforce. And encouraging wellness with your staff can lead to improved attendance rates and higher productivity but It’s a fine line between helping your staff and nannying them. This post looks at 5 steps a company can take to promote health programmes to their employees.

How To Deal With Work Stress – Refined Currency

We all have to put up with stress in our working lives but how you deal with it will determine whether you sail on through the situation or start to get bogged down and make yourself ill. This post from Refined Currency gives you some simple tips on how to manage workplace stress and feel a little better about yourself and the situations you’re in.

Science Says Within A Week You’ll Be More Productive If You Try This – Lifehack.Org

I won’t ruin what the “try this” portion of the article is about, suffice it to say I was surprised at the suggestion but can’t see myself trying it any time soon with the British weather the way it is at the moment!

How to Get Along with People You Don’t Like Very Much – Psychology Today

We all have to deal with that particular someone that just rubs us up the wrong way whether it be a a co-worker or family member. Unfortunately sometimes it’s just not feasible to stay out of the way of them and we have to interact, if that’s the case then these pointers may just save your sanity!

Hat Tip Lifehacker

An Open Letter to Those Who Are Overwhelmed (and Not Sure What to Do Next) – Marc & Angel Hack Life

I’m sure we’ve all had moments in our lives when we get worried – frightened even – by the prospect of a seemingly mammoth task in front of us. In this post (in open letter format) Marc Chernoff shares an allegorical tale that will help put things in perspective.

How to Bullet Journal: The Absolute Ultimate Guide – The Lazy Genius Collective

I’ve been playing around with bullet journalling for the past couple of months and I am struggling with a few of the concepts. I’ve been using a notebook for years to manage my task lists but I guess I didn’t come up with a catchy enough name for it to become popular! If you’re toying with the idea of bullet journalling then give this post a read. It explains all the basics and has cleared up some of the confusion I had about items such as the “Future log”.

This Alarm Clock Wakes You Up With A Fresh Cup Of Coffee – Nerdist

The best purchase I have ever made was my Coffee Maker with a timer on it. Waking up to the smell of fresh coffee in the morning really helps me to get out of bed and face the day. This coffee maker takes things a step further and places the machine right on your bedside alarm! I had a teasmade a few years ago but I couldn’t get on with the fact the the clock glowed too brightly – I still have the machine although the pot has long gone, I must get that replaced!

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s round-up. As always if you have an article, app or service you’d like to share please drop me a tweet @FlipHeck or contact me via the website.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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Featured Image: Palm Trees by Dan from FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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