Weekly Round-Up #100: 100+ Productivity Blogs You Need To Read In 2017
I thought I’d do something a little special for our 100th Weekly Round-Up so I’ve put together a list of great productivity blogs for you to check out. Some will be familiar, others won’t so if you want to get your productivity self in shape for 2017, improve your work-life balance or start to think mindfully then check out this massive list of productivity blogs – enjoy!

Wow! I can’t believe we’re at 100 posts in our weekly round-up series, where has the time gone?
To celebrate I’ve put together a list of blogs that you need to checkout in 2017. It started out at 100 but that was a bit limiting so we’re now on over 120 productivity blogs in this list! If you think I have missed one out and would like me to add it, please Contact Me so we can share it with everyone.
The list below covers a wide range of topics from blogs about work-life balance, minimalist workplaces and making your office space more productive to great authors who write about self-improvement, motivation and positivity.
Because it was too hard to pick an order to put these blogs in – they’re all fantastic – I’ve ordered the list alphabetically to be fair. The one caveat for inclusion was that ttihese blogs had to have posted a new article within the past 3 – 6 months.
If you want to add these great blogs to your RSS Reader you can download a zipped OPML list of the feeds at the end of the post.
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Top 100+ Productivity Blogs For 2017

Camilla may not post very often but when she does, it’s a well thought out and informative article which you can also download in PDF format to read later. She covers personal productivity, self improvement and goal setting amongst other great subjects

99U covers a variety of topics that centre around working for yourself or in a small business. Learn how to manage your time, budgets, worklife balance and more from this site.

A Life Of Productivity is full of experiments in making your life better, getting the most from your time and becoming more fulfilled. Chris has done most of the hard work so you can figure out what techniques you might like to try and what you can leave out

Anubhav Srivastava isn’t just a movie producer, he’s also into productivity too. His blog’s productivity category is full of some great topics and whilst it may no be updated too often the qualiy is great.

From self-improvement techniques to how to manage your email Asian Efficiency covers a huge variety of topics which you’ll find both interesting and entertaining

Eric brings you scientific and fact-based answers to many productivity based questions you may have

With a more business related slat, Become More Effective covers leadership, customer management and engagement and more.

Courtney Carver is a great writer who covers topics on how to simplfy various aspects of your of your life, promoting personal growth through personal minimlalism

Learn to pare down your life and environment with some great tips on using a more minimalist outlook on life

Want to read a book but never seem to have the time? Book Video Club has your back! Watch books on video in a concise format so you get the main messages without having to read through everything.

Brian Tracy covers everything from self improvement and business management to people and interpersonal skills, Brian has you covered

If you’re not sure what a leuchtturm1917 is or where or how to bujo then Bumbling Bujo is a blog you should check out. Bee will take you through all the stages to get your new journal up and running

If you filter though the clothing and food articles (which are interesting, honest) there’s some great advice in this magazine style blog for male and female productivity enthusiasts alike

Carson covers loads of fantastic topics such as time management, goal setting and achievement and managing your priorities

I’ve been a fan of David Seah for years, and love his meshing of design and productivity. He posts some great free downloads for you to up your roductivity game

Dermot’s a productivity coach and motivational speaker and he has loads of great advice on his blog about prioritising, the importance of allowing time to think and task scheduling

I was initially made aware of Done Before Brekky when it’s writer Brendan Toner submitted a link for one of my round-up posts. He covers a wealth of personal improvement information from app and equipment reviews to task list management and book reviews

Dumb Little Man certainly isn’t dumb when it comes to giving great advice on a massive range of subjects including foods to help your productivity to stress management

You may think of Evernote as a simple collation and note taking toolbut it can do so much more than that. Find out how to become super roductive with this great tool.

From the Pomodoro Technique to why it’s important to rest, there’s always a variety of things to help you be more productive and find your centre on this blog

Finer minds is all about self improvement through honing your mental outlook – towards yourself and others.

I have to admit I am not a fan of the book “The Four Hour Work Week” and I don’t think it would work for the majority of people, but you can’t knock Tim Ferris and his quest to become his most productive self. If you’re a budding entrpreneur looking to manage themselves a bit better then it’s worth a look

Learn to become a healthier and happier person thanks to oraganisational skills, writing techniques and more

Dwayne’s constantly looking for new things to learn and experiment with whether it be how to get a better deal on shopping to money management

Getting A Grip is a blog focussed on business and workplace related productivity tools and techniques

If you’re looking into getting in to planning but don’t know where to start, or are already a planner and are looking for some inspiration then the Giftee Etcetera blog has you covered!

Goodlife Zen is all about finding your own inner peace, setting yourself up for a calm life and how to improve your life with positivity

Grace Marshall covers Productivity with an eye on your wellbeing. From why saying “No” i important to giving your soul a rest.

Happy Melly is all about supporting workplace happiness – after all, a happy workforce is a productive one!

Hiver is all about collaboration and making email a more productive tool – and their blog focuses on similar topics from email mistakes you may make and not realise to how to conquer work distractions

The team from Collaboratio and Worflow App “Invision” have a fantastic productivity section that covers everything from willpower and work-ife balance to visual planning. The cateogry is being added to reguarly to its worth checking in often.

This blog is more business based but you’re bound to be able to take this great advice over to any aspect of your life

Jo’s blog covers so many subjects I’m not sure where to start! From not being a perfectionist to a 40th birthday “Productivity Party”

Abby has some great ideas around home organising tricks helping you make your “offline life” more streamlined, saving you time in the process.

Theo J. Ellis came to my attention when he was cited in another blog, I checked him out an found his strory inspirational. Plus, being a fellow Brit it’s nice to know I’m not the only person on this island writing about productvity!

if you read any of the big business magazines I’m sure you will have come across Laura. She’s a fantastic write with a great eye for productivity and work-life balance

Life Learning Today covers topics on health and wellbeing, personal develoment and productivity. The well written content is bound to have a subject that is of interest to you

From self-fulfillment to living a meaningful life Donald has you covered with his well written articles

Lifehack is one of the top Productivity blogs but seems to rarely make any productivity blog lists presumably because it’s such a big name. They features little old me in a productivity blog list a few years ago so I thought I’d return the favour!

Probably the “daddy” of all productivity blogs, Lifehacker covers everything from how to make your day more productive to the best app to use for to-do lists. It’s included here as it’s another blog that never seems to make any productivity blog lists

I came across “Lil Divette” from one of the Facebook planner groups I belong to. The self-confessed “Little Diva In Training” covers all things planners so if you want to get yourelf a planner but don’t know where to start this gal has the answers

This blog is all about finding your own self and inspiration from within. There are lots of great articles covering fulfillign your potential to finding you right career path

Lolly Daskal blogs about leadership – whether it is leading yourself or leading others there’s a wealth of knowledge on her blog

Lone Mind covers a bit of everything, from budgetting tips to destressing to, well, sorting out your bikini area – that’s self improvement though isn’t it?

Luxafor is a company very aware of how important productivity is in the workplace – after all, they have built a communication app! Their blog is a treasure trove of great productivity articles coving everyting from the Pomodoro technique to Leadership skills

Mike and Angel have a lovely spiritual way of tackling productivity – you may not see yourself as being spiritual but the posts in this blog will speak to you.

There’s another UK blogger on the list – and no, it’s not favouritism! Mark foster covers a lot of different subjects on self-improvement, task management and he’s also the author of some best-selling books

Mark Manson covers so many subjects I wouldn’t know where to start. Whilst there are great deal of personal develoment and “Soul Searching” posts, there are also those that focus on self-improvement and personal wellbeing that are really worth a look.

Michael Hyatt is a personal development guru and motivational speaker. For some reason he doesn’t seem to appear that often on produtiviy blog lists but his articles on work place productivity, email management and the many free e-books and courses he offers are well worth signing up to his newsletter for

Michael is the founder of Nozbe so knows a thing or two about getting things done and project mangement. On his personal website he loves to share his thoughts on productivity and getting stuff done through a variety of videos and podcasts

Whilst the focus is mainly on finance in this blog there are plentyof articles on productivity and money management to peak your interest

Miriam covers a plethora of home management and organising subjects from managing your holiday timetables to how to develop a sustainable organising habit.

With a Podcast covering all things productivity and articles relating to stress management and Getting Things Done, there’s something for every on over at the Next Action Website

Nils and Jonas got in touch with me a few months ago to ask me to check out a post on their relatively new blog and since then they’ve gone from strength to strength covering the importance of diets and sleep to why self compassion is so important as well

This website is all about adding minimalism to your life through simplifying your home, mind and work

The Noisli app allows you to create your own ambient noise patterns to become more productive, and their blog is an extension of that. From why notifications are bad for your productivity to Digital Decluttering, Noisli has you covered

Nozbe may have a weird name but it’s certainly up there in terms of To-Do list planning apps and their blog is full of great advice too.

Anything journal, planner, paper or pen related is fair game in Megan’s website. Be warned that you’ll need to be kept away from Amazon as you’ll be inspired both artistically and organisationally!

Productive Club has been created to inspire, influence and infect people with positivity and help people begin their journey of chasing their dream goals. The target is to help 1M people pursue their dreams. We are looking forward to help people break out of their shackles of regular jobs and pursue their passion.

Paul Minors reads a lot of self-help and self-improvement books so taht you can get on with living your life and just pick and choose what you need to read am focus on what is important to you. Paul also has a fantastic produtivity podcast that features a wide range of knowledge and advice so it’s well worth subscribing too.

John writes aboyut a variety of subjects on personal develoment and success in your life and business. There are insightful posts, helpful downloads and more.

Peter Szanto is an entrepreneur who covers business innovation, productivity methods and personal development

Pick The Brain is all about self improvement and mental and physical wellbeing. There’s loads of great posts on stress management to how to be productive if you’re not a morning person

Budgeting, Planning and Procrastination are just some of the things covered on Productive Flourishing to help you become more productive

Mark Shead at Productivity 501 looks at lots of different methodologolies and approaches to become more productive – and happier by extension. His articles include how to commuicate better, continuing learning and how to improve your reading habits

Kayla Matthews covers a wide variety of topics ranging from fixing failures at work to lots of general improvement strategies

The self-styled “Productivityist” Mike Vardy cover everytthing from getting over that Monday Morning Feeling to how to cope when you’re tired.

The purpose of Purpose Fairy is to allow you to become a better version of yourself through improving your Mind, Body And Soul

If you find yourself interested in a pletherer of subjects you could be what’s termed as a “Multipotentialite”. If you think you fit that bill Emilie has you covered!

Redbooth is an online task management system that appreciates how important your employees and their needs are. Tje blog is well worth a read from both an employee and employer perspective so you can see what’s expected

You may know Remember The Milk as the List Making and Productivity tool, but did you know they have a pretty informative blog too. If that’s not enough they have a pretty funky toy money for their post photos which is worth checking out on its own!

Rescue time allows you to track your daily habits so you can figure out where you’re going wrong (social media anyone?) Their blog covers subjects ranging from how not to become a late night work-zombie to whether caffeine is truly helping you work

Ryan’s blog is a rather eclectic mix of review, general thoughts and techniques surrounding productivity and bettering ourselves

Scott H. Young has a wide variety of topics on his blog from learning new languages to goal setting and achievement, Craig has plenty of advice on self-improvement techniques

ScribblePost is a team collaboration tool that focuses on allowng you to get things done. Their blog covers achieving your goals to how to manage projects and be productive when under stress

The title of this website says it all! Whether it be improving your self confidence to improving your emotional intelligence this blog can help.

This great website has loads of planner printables from Mobile Wallpapers to Monthly Calendars – whatever your panner needs or questions Emma has you covered

Steve Pavlina’s another one of the big blogs who never seem to make any productivity lists, but he can sometimes get over looked. If you can get past some of the obvious affiliate marketing posts then Steve has some great content on self improvement to check out

Steven Aitchison is all about relationship management, self belief and improvment and personal development

Team Gannt is a great blog focusing on team collaboration and productivity. There project planning tool is also worth looking at if you like a visual view of your projects

The Muse covers career and job search advice that can really help you get ahead in your working life

The Orange Dot on the Headspace website is all about mind and body and how they can merge to make you a more productive and confident person

Rashelle really is the expert when it comes to putting your home (and work space) in order. From simple tidying techniques to decluttering projects, she covers it all

If you’re more of a audio learner than a reader then check out Dan Pink’s video podcast where he covers loads of different topics based around paersonal productivity

Ciara writes in a fun and friendly manner about how bad to-do lists can be, how to make your business more productive and even how Star Wars can teach us lessons!

Nicole Bandes is an expert on a lot of productivity related subjects from morning routines to email auto-responses

Cathy Sexton covers a wealth of items from finance and the psychology of money to how to prioritise tasks

The Simple Dollar is all about living frugally and managing your expenses, with some great content no matter what sort of budget you have

Think Productive covers a wide range of subjects from reviewing apps and books to tech to make you more productive

Think Simple Now is all about self improvement through simple steps and well written articles

Craig Jarrow has been helping people become more producivity aware for some time now and his blog contains some really great information for not only managing your time but your life too

Time Zillionaire isn’t just about getting more time for yourself, it’s about becoming more self-aware and self-reliant too

Tiny Buddha covers pretty much any subject you can think of in terms of self-development, work-life balance finances and more. You’re bound to find some great advice whatever your needs

Whilst the To-Doist app may all be about to-do lists and task management their blog covers a wide range of interesting subjects from Habit forming to how to leave work on time without feeling guilty

Trello is a well known project organisation tool, and they have a pretty great blog too. From business communication to knowledg sharing, they have you covered

Do you want to simplify your life? Then maybe you need to figure out how to get rid of some of the rubbish in your life. If you’re ready for a clearout then the Unclutterer team has you covered

Vanaia are an app company that provide comminucation solutions. Their blog covers all aspects of productvity from Vanaia’s own apps to how to beat work envy

LJ covers a lot about planning techniques and how they can make you more productive. There are also some great book reviews and much more

Wise Bread is all about managing your finances, frugal living and some great life hacks

Work Awesome focuses on your working life – how to do well in specific fields and how you can improve your working life through self-improvement, productivity techniques and lifestyle changes

From making the most of your time at work to teamwork and business management using the Scoro tool, the Scoro blog brings you a weath of information on workplace productivity

Wrike is another team project management system and their blog is full of great advice for team management, productivity and helpful tips

Monica Ricci covers a variety of home organisation, producivity and wellbeing subjects with an infectious enthusiasm that’ll have you hooked

Leo Babauta covers everything from Mindfullness to getting things done. If you’re looking for a more spititual take on task management then this site is worth a look
Download the zipped OPML file and you can import it into the Feed Reader of your choosing.
You know what would be awesome? Compile an OPML file of the RSS feeds of all these blogs and have it be downloadable, that way readers can grab the OPML file and import it into the RSS feed reader of their choice (Feedly, Feedspot, Netvibes, Vienna, etc etc)
Ask and you shall receive Lionel! There’s now a zipped OPML file available to download at the end of the post!
Katy, thank you so much for including my blog, soggy musings, in your list! It’s very much appreciated, and I’m honoured to be among such great company. 🙂
Hello Katy, thanks so much for putting together this productivity roundup. It is quite an impressive list. I truly appreciate you including my site, TheOrderExpert.com. Best wishes to you for a productive 2017!
Thank you Katy for including me in your top 100 productivity list. I’m grateful to you.
Nice to see you’re a Brit, too! Keep up the good work, have a great upcoming Christmas and a successful 2017 🙂
Wow Katy – this is an awesome list.
Some of them are new to me, and the content on these blogs are fantastic.
Excellent work!!
Thanks Nissar – Glad you liked it.
I’ve bookmarked your site to check through your articles with a view to including something in a future weekly round-up but if you have anything specific you’d like me to look at please feel free to contact me via the FlippingHeck.com contact page.
Wow, that’s an impressive round-up. Would you be so kind to add https://habitgrowth.com to this list too? I write about productivity and time management tips for entrepreneurs.
Have a productive day!
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