February 17, 2025
Weekly Round-Up #333: Leftovers, Keeping Kids Safe & Public Speaking

Weekly Round-Up #333: Leftovers, Keeping Kids Safe & Public Speaking


This week we take a look at a website that can help you reduce food waste but helping you use leftovers, how you can keep your kids safe on social media and how you can give a great talk even if you hate speaking in public.

A woman standing in front of an open fridge looking confused
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you have had a fun and productive week.

This week we take a look at a website that can help you reduce food waste but helping you use leftovers, how you can keep your kids safe on social media and how you can give a great talk even if you hate speaking in public.

Leftover Recipe Generator: How To Use Leftover Food – Instacart

I hate food waste, it seems such a waste of money especially when you consider 119 BILLION pounds (53,977,492,030 KGs) of food are wasted in the USA every year – that’s a staggering amount.

But I also know what it’s like to open the fridge and wonder what I can make with all the stuff I have left over – that’s were this handy generator from Instacart comes in. Simply add in 3 ingredients that you have available and the generator will come up with some recipes for you to try.

For example, I put in Salad, cheese and pita and it came up with a “Greek salad pizza” – certainly something I wouldn’t have thought of myself!

It’s not got every ingredient under the sun – it didn’t like “halloumi” so I had to use the more generic “cheese” – but it will certainly give you a great starting point to help you use up those odd items left over from other meals.

The Ultimate Social Media Safety Guide For Kids – Antivirus Guide

Unless you wrap your kids up in cotton wool and send them off to live in a forest with no internet connection they’re bound to come into contact with social media.

Exactly when kids should be allowed access to smartphones, tablets, the internet and apps is still a matter of hot debate but with most apps allowing users to create accounts from the age of 13 it’s important to know how to keep your children safe when they’re interacting online.

Antivirus Guide takes a look at the most popular social media platforms and walks you through some of the issues with them and then breaks down what your child might come into contact with from cyberbullying and inappropriate content to phishing attempts.

Tips For Giving Clear Talks – IvyPanda

Whether you’re a student or in the workplace, at some point you will need to stand up and give some form of presentation. You might be presenting a book report, defending your thesis or trying to sell your products to a customer, like it or loathe it, we all have to deal with it.

So how can you get your message across, why do we hate speaking in front of others so much and what skills do you need to give a great speech? IvyPanda breaks it all down for you so you can’t start to build up your confidence and give great talks.

The Best Help Desk Software – SimpleReview

If you have to deal with support issues – whether you’re running an app, an online store or anything where a customer can contact you with queries you’ll need a way to manage them.

Whether you need to simply track that someone has contacted you to a more complex support path with issue escalation, help desk software helps you manage support requests which keeps your users/customers happy.

But with all the options available where do start? SimpleReview has round up 5 options and broken down all of the pros and cons so you can choose the right one for your business.

Common Desk Job Injuries And Prevention – GoHealth Urgent Care

You might think that you’re safe from injury sitting at your desk, I mean you’re not doing manual labour or anything high impact but, surprisingly, being injured at your desk is quite common.

GoHealth looks at some of the common injuries that might pose a risk to you, who is most at risk and how you can avoid them in the first place.

Reasonable Requests When Purchasing A Home, According To The Experts – Today’s Homeowner

If you’re buying a house you might assume that you’ll need to take it as it is, but do you have to inherit a rattling air con system or an infestation of cockroaches. Well according to Today’s Homeowner these are among a list of things a buyer (or their agent) can request the home owner fix before contracts are exchanged.

Of course, if you want to sell your home these are probably things you should consider fixing before putting it on the market but what are the most common requests and, perhaps more importantly, what should potential buyers not ask for?

How To Stage A Home For Sale On A Budget – PhotoUp

Sticking with selling your home, how can you make sure that you can sell it quickly and for a price that you’re happy with? Well according to PhotoUp it’s all in the staging – and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

In this article you’ll learn the importance of staging your property, how you can use virtual staging to reach more buyers and how you can keep your costs low.

The State Of Employee Sexual Harassment Training – Talent LMS

It’s not something that we like to discuss but sexual harassment is something that is still prevalent in the workplace. While many workers roll their eyes when they’re invited to the mandatory harassment training, it’s an important part of recognising inappropriate behaviour in the workplace whether it’s happening to you or someone else.

If your company doesn’t offer any form of sexual harassment training, or if you’re an employee and not sure why it’s relevant to you, Talent LMS takes a look at the facts, figures and importance surrounding this often overlooked important aspect of working conditions.

6 Ways Google AI Is Helping You Sleep Better – Google Blog

I’m sure we’re all aware of the importance of sleep. If we don’t get enough not only are we grouchy and unproductive, it can also have health implications as well.

I’ve used a couple of methods in the past to measure my sleep amount and quality and the information they showed me was fascinating, but when I think that the power that Google AI could bring it takes it to a whole ‘nother level.

While it’s important to be aware how much and what type of data we’re sharing with these giant tech companies if you’re having trouble sleeping, feeling lethargic during the day the using the power of Google to understand the issue is worth considering.

This Two-Step TikTok DIY Turns An Unexpected Kitchen Item Into The Perfect Mini Bookshelf – Apartment Therapy

I have a love/hate relationship with TikTok. It’s not an app I use a whole lot (in fact I’ve deleted it from my phone) as I’m not a fan of all the Gen Z dance crazes and silly pranks (yeah, I’m an old grump and I’m not sorry about it!) but every now and again someone posts a brilliant little piece of advice or hack and Apartment Therapy has found one such hidden treasure.

If you’re looking for somewhere to store your cookbooks for quick access in your kitchen then this TikTok hack is the perfect solution for your needs!

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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