The 4 Most Dangerous Workplaces

The 4 Most Dangerous Workplaces


For those of us that spend most of our working life in an office, we might not think about how dangerous a workplace can be. There are many different careers and workplaces that come with an inherent danger and special precautions need to be taken to ensure that everyone is safe and can work without injury. Of course, there will never be a way to eliminate risk from some of these most dangerous workplaces.

Fishing Trawler on the open water
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For those of us that spend most of our working life in an office, we might not think about how dangerous a workplace can be. There are many different careers and workplaces that come with an inherent danger and special precautions need to be taken to ensure that everyone is safe and can work without injury. Of course, there will never be a way to eliminate risk from some of these most dangerous workplaces.

Underwater Welding

Any job where a lot of your working hours are spent under water sounds like one that has inherent risks, but none more so than the underwater welder. Underwater welding is an essential career and the work of an underwater welder impacts many of our lives without us even realizing it.

They’re responsible for the underwater repair of oil and gas pipes, parts of dams, the hulls of ships and other underwater metal structures. Using high voltage electricity underwater, however, even just sounds like a bad idea. It’s a very specialist career and the number of people who do it as a living is very small.

Agricultural Farms and Ranches

You might not think of farming as an inherently dangerous job, but life on the farm is one that has its dangers. The dangers in farming come mostly from heavy machinery with moving parts that pose a severe hazard to anyone who gets on the wrong side of them, which can lead to many different injuries, and commonly head and brain injuries.

If you’re looking for a brain injury lawyer Chicago, be sure to contact Romanucci & Blandin who can help you. It isn’t just heavy machinery of the farm that can cause serious, however. There are dangers from animals and even sun exposure.

Deep-Sea Fishing Boats

There are a good few reality television shows that do a good job at showing us just how dangerous the deep-sea fishing boat as a workplace can be. Drowning is the number one cause of death on deep-sea fishing boats. In fact, it’s the second most dangerous job in the United States.

Being on a boat in the remote parts of the ocean also means being far away from medical assistance and hospitals. The deep-sea fisherman takes these risks because getting a good haul of expensive or exotic seafood can net them a huge payday.

Underground Mines

We often see accidents in underground mines from around the world on the news and that’s not very surprising given how many different things can go wrong. Deep underground in hastily built tunnel supports and natural caverns and maze-like passageways, it’s well documented that it’s one of the world’s most dangerous workplaces.

Underground miners can fall victim to things like cave-ins, accidents from blasting and explosions, gas leaks and poisoning from chemicals, falling and even electrocution. It’s a workplace filled with danger, and often doesn’t pay very well either.

These are just four of many workplaces that can be very dangerous if they aren’t given the respect, care, and attention they need to prevent injury.

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