Making Your Home Feel Lighter And Brighter

Making Your Home Feel Lighter And Brighter


Have you always dreamt of a large airy home? Where you can open the windows and doors and let the sunshine in during the summer? A large open space where you can relax or get creative with your children? These kinds of large homes with big open rooms don’t just give us more space to enjoy ourselves. They also feel better. The air might feel lighter, they might smell better, and the atmosphere is bound to be peaceful and serene.

White kitchen table and chairs
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Have you always dreamt of a large airy home? Where you can open the windows and doors and let the sunshine in during the summer? A large open space where you can relax or get creative with your children?

These kinds of large homes with big open rooms don’t just give us more space to enjoy ourselves. They also feel better. The air might feel lighter, they might smell better, and the atmosphere is bound to be peaceful and serene.

Unfortunately, we don’t all have these large, open homes. Modern new builds seem to be getting smaller, as we try to fit more affordable homes into small spaces, and you might worry that the only way that you’ll ever have a home that feels light and bright would be to win the lottery and buy a massive house.

The good news is, even if you live in a smaller house, with small rooms, you can make them feel less claustrophobic and dark. There’s plenty that you can do to make even a small house feel light and airy.

Change the Flooring

White walled light office

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Wooden flooring can make a room feel much lighter than a thick carpet. It’s closer to the ground, it’s not as thick, and it feels cooler under your feet. You might wonder what is Solid Wood Flooring? Or about the differences between solid, laminate, and engineered, but they all make rooms feel lighter, and you can add a thin, colourful rug to refresh things even further.

Keep the Walls Light

Dark walls in a small space can be a mistake. They make everything feel close, and the air seem heavier. Lighter walls can make things feel brighter and more open. They won’t actually make your room bigger, but they will make it feel less claustrophobic.

Once your walls are light, use brighter colours on your accessories, and add reflective surfaces and fixtures to increase the effects.

Bring Some Nature In

Natural elements are another great way to make things feel more open. They will also improve the atmosphere and air quality in your home.

Add plants and fresh flours where you can, but don’t overdo it with large leafy greens, or particularly tall plants, which might take up too much space.

Maximise Natural Light

Natural light has so many benefits, one of which is making your rooms feel lighter and brighter. More light can also make things seem cleaner and fresher. If you can, installing larger windows or sliding doors is a great option. If this isn’t possible, use lighter curtains and make sure you can pull them all of the way back, keep windows sills clear, and windows clean.

Ditch Heavy Textures

Heavy textures like thick carpets and rugs, deep coloured curtains, and even bulky soft furnishings and accessories make your rooms feel fuller and warmer. Swap them out for thinner materials if you are looking for a lighter feel.

Having a lighter home has many advantages. It could help you to focus and feel more alert, help you to get a good night’s sleep, and improve your health. It will almost certainly improve your mood. So why not try making some of these changes today?

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