Weekly Round-Up #171: Spotting A Liar, Why You Need To Go To Bed Early And Win A Free Copy Of Able2Extract Pro 12
This week we take a look at body language and how you can use it to your advantage, why staying up late and getting out of bed late your have a seriously harmful impact on your health and how you can win one of 5 free licences for the great Able2Extract PDF editing Software.

Welcome to this week’s round-up. This week we take a look at body language and how you can use it to your advantage, why staying up late and getting out of bed late your have a seriously harmful impact on your health and how you can win one of 5 free licences for the great Able2Extract PDF editing Software.
Body Language : From Common Signs To Spotting Lies – Custom Writing
Body language is something that most of us are aware of but find difficult to interpret. This handy infographic will help demistify some of the aspects of body language from boredom to intimidating posture.
Prevent Back Injuries While Lifting Heavy Objects – Sciene “Backed” Tips – Simply Self Storage
Everyone has to lift something heavy at some point, and learning to lift items properly can save a lot of pain and suffering later one. Back pain costs the US economoy $88 BILLION a year so to help your employees (and yourself) stay healthy and reduce the costs to your business check out these great lifting tips.
Why You Need A Website – ALT Agency
We wrote earlier this weel about why you shouldn’t put off launching a website but perhaps you don’t think you even need a website. Want convincing? Then check out Why You Need A Website
How To Stop Stress Right Now – Productivity Theory
Stress is an unfortunate part of every day life and it’s important for us to learn to manage it – or at least reduce the impact it has on our lives. Kayla Matthews has some great tips on how to manage and reduce stress so that it has less of an hold on your life.
How To Structure Life Around Your Laziness – A Life Of Productivity
Are you lazy? If you said “No” I’d beg to differ! There are all things that we’re a bit lazy about – whether it’s not going to the gym as often as we should or putting away the laundry (my lazy trait!) Don’t worry though, there are ways you can remove the barriers and reduce your lazy tendencies.
Practical Decluttering Tips To Try Today – The Order Expert
It’s spring so what better time to get rid of all of the rubbish that’s been cluttering up your home over the winter months. If you don’t know where to start then Rashelle (The Order Expert) has 10 tips to help get your started.
The Five Enemies Of Your Financial Success – The Simple Dollar
Try as we might, there’s always something that seems to get in the way of being financially successful. Whether you’re looking at being more financially responsible ot have a savings goal, The Simple Dollar hass Five simple tips you can implement to get your finances back on track.
This Is How To Make Close Friends: 4 Surprising Secrets From Research – Barking Up The Wrong Tree
With the rise of social media, it’s easy for us to think we have lots of friends – but how many friends do we truly have? If you’re not sure of the impact friends have on you, you may be surprised at the research in the article highlighting their importance.
How To Measure Productivity At Your Office – ZeroCater
It’s seems to be that everything has to be quantified these days – whether that’s to enable you to set prices or invoice your clients accurately or to keep track of how your employees are spending their time. There are some things to bear in mind when starting to measure employee productivity and ZeroCrater covers everything you need to know from setting baselines to reevaluating your measures.
Late Risers At Increased Risk Of Early Death, Study Finds – BBC News
Regular readers will know that I am most definitely not a morning person – but apparently this is really harmful to my health! Staying up late, and getting up late can increase your risk of early death, psychological disorders and stomach disorders. Looks like I’ll be getting an early night tonight!
I Tried 6 Money-Saving Hacks And Here’s What Actually Worked – Buzzfeed
I’ve been doing quite well with my savings recently – this wasn’t always the case though I and struggled for years to put something aside in case of an emergency. If you’re struggling to start saving, think that it’s too difficult or you don’t have enough spare cash then Buzzfeed has 6 great tips to get your savings off to a good start.
6 Stretch Exercises To Fix Your Posture & Change Your Life – Make Use Of
Thanks to a chronic back injury, I struggle with my posture. As the day wears on I find myself having to correct the way I sit or stand in order to avoid slouching. Luckily thanks to a lot of expert advice, I can realise when I’m being a slouch and do something about it but if you’re not sure what to do in order to start fixing your posture then Make Use Of has some easy-to-implement exercises to fix your bad back habits.
Learn To Manage Your Attention And Managing Time Will Take Care Of Itself – Quartz
Distractions are a big problem in terms of your productivity – some studies suggest that an interruption can mean that you won’t get back into your work zone for 25 minutes. With the accessibility of social media through computers and phones we can easily get sucked into flicking through our timeline instead of what we should really be working on. If you can manage what’s stealing your attention then you’ll be a lot more productive and get through your tasks a lot quicker.
Giveaway: Fill In 2 Win Able2Extract Professional 12 – Investech
If you work with a lot of PDFs, its common to have a need to use them in other formats (.doc, .xls etc.), edit their content or perhaps you need to create editable forms for your website visitors to full in and Able2Extract can help you with all of these functions. I wrote a review of Able2Extract a few months ago and now you can be in with a chance to win your own free copy!
To enter, simply head on over to the Able2Extract Giveaway page and follow the instructions to be in with a chance of winning one of 5 licence keys.
Have A Great Weekend
I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.
Until next week, Stay Productive!