LifeTracker: achieve your life goals with help from artificial intelligence


Are you looking to make your life more productive? Perhaps you’re using a productivity app already but are looking for something a bit more location aware or learns your routine? If so then you’ll want to take a look at Lifetracker which could radically change the way you action tasks

LifeTracker: Achieve Your Life Goals With Help From Artificial Intelligence
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Do you want to learn a new skill? Spend more time with your friends and family? Travel more? Get healthier and fitter? Do you struggle to achieve these goals or to accomplish the tasks that really matter to you, whatever they might be?

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. A recent Lifetracker survey found that over 85% of people struggle to achieve their life goals or feel in some way unfulfilled or dissatisfied with their life.

Why Are We So Dissatisfied?

This dissatisfaction can be linked to our perceived failure to accomplish the tasks that matter most to us. The survey also highlighted that people very easily default to ‘putting things off’. 40% of people said they put off exercise, while a quarter of people admit to postponing plans to see friends. A further 28% of people revealed they push other ‘life tasks’, such as sorting out their CV, to the bottom of their to-do list.

It’s understandable. Making the time or remembering to do all those little things that get you closer to your goal – make that call, book that appointment, sign up for that course – can de extremely difficult when we all lead such busy lives.

Of course that’s why we have smartphones right? There are plenty of apps – from to-do lists to ‘productivity’ apps – that claim to help make sense of the chaos and focus on the things that you care about most.

But are these apps actually helpful in achieving ultimate life satisfaction and productivity, or more of a hindrance? The same survey found that on average people waste nearly a month out of every year, over 690 hours, on their smartphones. More than that, nearly a third of people (32%) agreed that their smartphone is actively unhelpful in achieving their life goals.

Perhaps this isn’t surprising. We all know how easy it is easy to ignore our to-do lists, or how frustrating it is when a reminder comes through right at the moment when you’re in the middle of something else and you can’t do anything about it. And obviously by the time you do have time to do it you’ve completely forgotten about it and nothing gets done – again.

How Can We Make Things Better?

What if you had an app that really understood you and your routine? What if you had an app that just knew when it was the right moment to remind you about the tasks that really matter to you, the tasks that are going to get you closer to your ultimate goal?

LifeTracker App - Hobby Context

In order to fight back against everything that distracts us and prevents us from achieving our goals we need help and there is a new assistant in the form of Artificial intelligence (AI). AI has the potential to be our own digital ‘alter ego’, a personal companion that augments and enhances our human capabilities so that we can really push ahead and accomplish the things we want to.

Let An App Do The Heavy Lifting For You

Lifetracker is a new app that harnesses the power of AI to help us in our daily lives. It has been designed to help you cut out wasted time and enhance your life satisfaction. Whether you want to learn something new, get the most out of your free time, spend more time with the people you love or to start taking better care of yourself, Lifetracker is truly there to support you. Ultimately Lifetracker wants to change how you use your smartphone so that you can do more of what makes you happy.

Once you tell the app what you want to achieve Lifetracker continuously learns from your daily routine. By actively learning in this way, and in combination with context-aware capabilities, Lifetracker becomes more and more aware of what is relevant for you at any moment. As such Lifetracker becomes fully personalised to your exact needs and lifestyle and adapts to your ever-changing schedule so that it can remind you about the things you want to do only when the moment is really right for you.

Lifetracker App - Home Screen

And that is the crucial point – doing things when it’s right for you. We can only really achieve the things we want to when we actually make time for ourselves. We need help to overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed with our to-do list and start applying the mantra of ‘don’t put off tomorrow what can be done today’. To actually follow through on the things we set out to do, no matter how small, builds confidence in our own abilities and can inspire us to on to achieve much greater things.

However, without a better solution people are stuck in disorganisation; forgetting and ignoring even their most important goals and ambitions in the chaos. Artificial intelligence and Lifetracker offers a genuinely different approach to traditional productivity apps and is just a small yet simple way to make changes to our lives, with that difference starting right now.

Follow Lifetracker on Twitter @Lifetracker_app or visit for more information

Editors Note: This isn’t a sponsored post! I asked the guys at Lifetracker to write this article covering the great functionality that the app has as I didn’t feel I had the time to test the product fully myself and wouldn’t be able to do it justice. I love the look of the features in this app and will be certainly going through it in depth when I have some time
About The Author
Misha is the founder of, His background is in social science and with LifeTracker Misha has combined these theories with machine learning to create the unique cognitive architecture that enables LifeTracker to learn from behaviour patterns and support you in everyday decisions and activities.
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