Learning Hacks Amid A Pandemic

Learning Hacks Amid A Pandemic


The mental health of teenagers has been affected by the current situation. Parents and teens can work together to find ways to cope with the lifestyle changes during this crisis.

Teenage girl wearing headphones and studying on a laptop
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All over the world, many people have experienced the effects of the global health crisis on their mental health. The prolonged quarantine period has affected our overall wellness in more ways than one. We have experienced feelings of isolation, loneliness, and anxiety as we have faced uncertainty throughout the duration of the pandemic. It’s important to learn how to take care of our mental health as this aspect of our wellness affects our whole being.

One sector of society that is also affected by the changes during the quarantine period is adolescents. Online learning has affected the mental health of some students due to various shifts in lifestyle and study habits during the virtual learning setup. Looking after our mental health is crucial and learning more about this aspect of ourselves allows us to take better care of our bodies.

Incoming college freshmen who are interested in the inner workings of the mind can opt to take a BA Psychology course for their incoming term. Studying this discipline and practicing in this field will allow the stigma in society to gradually decrease.

Pandemic Effect On Teens

The global pandemic has affected many people all over the world. This portion of the affected population is not limited to adults; it includes teenagers as well. Teens have been showing signs of mental health deterioration since the onset of the health crisis. These teens have been noticing negative changes in their sleep and some have been displaying aggressive behavior.

Parents play a huge role in assisting their teenagers in going through these tough times. Families of teenagers should focus on encouraging safe social interaction with friends and family to help ease feelings of isolation and anxiety during this time. As teenagers show signs of mental health concerns, parents should remain their communication lines open to allow their teenagers to talk to them without fear of judgment or consequences.

If your teenager has been experiencing severe mental health issues such as expressing thoughts of suicide or self-harm, you should seek professional mental health assistance immediately.

Virtual Learning vs. Mental Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply affected our everyday lives since it spread all over the world. Teens have been affected by the changes during this quarantine period and their mental health has been suffering.

One of the factors that contribute to the deterioration of teen mental health is the major shift to online learning. Attending virtual classes has become the new normal but it has affected how teens study and function during these difficult times. Here are some ways online learning has affected the mental health of teenagers.

Shifting to the new mode of learning that is attending online classes has changed the way teens socialize. A school is a place of socialization for many teens. With everything shifting to the digital sphere, their social lives have become lonely, discouraging, and demotivational with the decrease in social interaction.

With the anxiety in the lack of social interaction comes the uneasiness with keeping up with schoolwork. Not many teens have a conducive learning area at home so it may have been difficult for many students to focus on their studies while in quarantine. Having to attend classes through video calls might also be an anxiety-inducing experience for some students.

Virtual learning fatigue is also a challenge for many students and teachers. Students need to exert extra effort to focus during online classes despite having been online for most of the day. Teachers, on the other hand, have to work hard to keep students engaged. Virtual learning fatigue may lead to anxiety as students have difficulty keeping up with online class discussions.

As parents and teachers, it’s important to identify the specific needs of each student these days. We live in unusual times, so we should all work together towards helping each other towards success.

Adjusting To Online Classes

While virtual learning cannot be avoided during this pandemic, parents have a choice to find ways to help their teens adapt to the current situation. Creating a designated learning space for their teens can be a great enhancement to their child’s current learning setup. Eliminating distractions at home will allow them to focus on the tasks at hand. Keeping a schedule that includes frequent breaks will also keep your teen focused and refreshed in between study sessions.

Continue encouraging your child despite the difficult circumstances. Promote healthy learning habits while studying from home to help them be inspired to work hard and stay focused.

Taking care of one’s mental health is essential during this pandemic. Teens have been deeply affected by the changes in our lifestyles due to the health crisis. While this is so, parents have the option to assist their children towards academic success.

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